Randomness: Chapter 34 • Christmas Jokes

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Chapter 34

1) What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
2) What do you call an obnoxious reindeer?
3) Why was santa's little helper depressed?
Because he had low ELF esteem.
4) Why is Christmas just like your job?
You do all the work but the chubby guy wearing a suit gets all the credit.
Omg lol.
5) What do you call an elf who sings?
A wrapper.
6) What do you call a can wearing a Christmas hat?
A merry can.
(Say the answer out loud if you don't get it, lol)
7) The Four Stages of Life
- You believe in Santa Claus
- You don't believe in Santa Claus
- You dress up as Santa Claus
- You look like Santa Claus
That's all for this chapter, folks! I'm off to dinner with my family. See ya!

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