Randomness: Chapter 6 • Day of Randomness #2

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Randomness: Chapter 6 • Day of Randomness 2

Okay, so...remember that joke:

"That moment when you suddenly become a karate master after you accidentally go in a spiderweb."

Well, yeah, something about that joke thingie happened to me. Don't worry, no furry spiders will bite you. 😊 [No spiders were hurt in this event. Just to make you spider lovers know! 😂😂]

Oh...and this has nothing to do with spiders and their webs. Yeah, I just warned you for nothing. {If we were in Minecraft, it would be cobwebs! 😌}

Okay, so it was P.E and we were playing basketball. I told my friend, who is HorseMad2003, by the way, that joke. And we started laughing. So, like, once, the person who had the ball came near me, and I suddenly randomly but awesomely yelled: "GIMME THE FREAKIN' BALL, I'M A KARATE MASTERRRRRRR!!!!!" And then I cracked up laughing. I kept on doing this the whole lesson. HorseMad2003 and I are random weirdos. I know, I know. LOL I randomly called HorseMad2003 a weirdo...even though she didn't yell, "GIMME THE FREAKIN' BALL, I'M A KARATE MASTERRRRRRR!!!!!" So yeah...hehe...haha...MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHAAWAAHAHAHAWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *evilly grins*

I'm going to end this chapter here, folks! *smiles* *evil spider[SPIDERS AREN'T EVILLLLLLL >:)] comes and tries to kill me* *cries for help* *HorseMad2003 comes and saves the day*

Yeah...CREDIT GOES TO HORSEMAD2003...yeah, just wanted to randomly give credit...

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