Randomness: Chapter 29 • Animal Jokes

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Chapter 29

Animal Jokes

(Please watch the media thing, it's so funny lmaoooo)


Koala: What do you mean, I'm not a bear? I have all the koalafications.

Elephant: Your koalafications are completely irrelephant.

Lion: Don't listen to him! He's lion!

Bear: This arguing is becoming unbearable!


Dog owner: Max! I'm sick of you pooping all over the lawn!

Max the dog: Well, I don't complain when you poop in my water bowl.


What do you call a cow on a trampoline?

 A milkshake!


What are the 2 reasons the girl broke up with her boyfriend?

Because he was a cheetah and because he was lion too much to her.


A police officer on traffic duty flags down a car.

"Sir, you appear to have 12 penguins in the back of your car."

"That's right, officer, I do."

"Well that's ridiculous - take them to the zoo straight away."

"OK officer."

And the car drives off.

Next day, the same policeman in the same spot sees the same car drive past - with the penguins in the back. He flags him down again.

"I thought I told you to take them to the zoo..."

"Yes, officer, and it was great - today I'm taking them to the cinema."


You're riding a horse full speed, there's a giraffe beside you, and you're being chase by a lion. What do you do?

Get your drunk ass off the carousel.


Zebras are just horses that have escaped from prison.


Why did the duck get arrested?

Because he was selling quack


I once had a goldfish that could break-dance on the floor, but only for, like, 20 seconds.💃

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