Randomness: Chapter 10 • Bunch of Jokes

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Chapter 10

Wow. I can't believe it's chapter ten already... ;)

•That moment...when a young one asks you how you did something...and you're too bored or frustrated to answer, so you say: "MAGIC!"

• I stepped on cereal this morning...NOW I'M A CEREAL KILLER! (Ha! Get it?)

•Why is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long?


Because then it would be a foot! {12 inches is one foot}

•Where do birds meet for coffee?


A NEST-cafe!!

•Why does Dracula have no friends?


Because he was a PAIN IN THE NECK! Ha!

• Brother: iPhone!

Sister: iPod!

Mother: iPad!

Father: iPaid!!!! D:<

•Why did the student eat his/her homework?

Answer: ???

Comment what you think the answer is! I'll dedicate the next chapter to YOU! :D

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