Randomness: Chapter 4 • Day of Randomness #1

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Chapter 4

Okay, so, it was time for SSR after lunch, so me and my friend, who is HorseMad2003, by the way, went to our classroom.

The teacher of the very first lesson is forgetful. She always forgets to give homework. Everybody's all like: "AAWWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!" 😂

So she did forget to give the homework today.

But then, people from my class said there was homework from the first lesson. 😩

Now, back to the SSR classroom.

I walked in with a huge step, and got ready to yell: "IS THERE GONNA BE A FREAKIN' HOMEWORK FROM THE FREAKIN' FIRST LESSON?!" because I thought at least five people would be there.

Turns out...there was a sixth or seventh grader boy sitting down, writing something. So I could only say: "IS- WAIT. WHAT." Then the boy stared and me and HorseMad2003 weirdly. Then I was all like: "OH CRAP LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" so we ran away, laughing like crazy at my weird but epic entrance to the empty classroom where only a boy from sixth/seventh grade was.

Then we spent some time with our other friend.

After that, we started walking to our classroom again. And that's when I realized...the staring boy might have been there. So I checked. He was there. Then I was all like: "SH*T THE BOY IS STILL THERE WHAT'RE WE GONNA DO HE THINKS WE'RE FREAKS DUDE!!!" Then HorseMad2003 froze with realization. 😱 Then she was all like, "Act calm. Don't look at da boy. Nothing happens. Operationnnnn goooooo!" So we went inside the classroom, trying not to laugh. I dunno why we wanted to laugh... 😂

I am pretty sure the boy stared at us as we took our books and sat down. LOL.

Yup...I'm pretty hilarious...and weird....LOL. 😂😂😂😂

I think "SSR" means Silent Sustained Reading...not sure though. Please comment if I am wrong! And tell the answer please! :D

(Oh, and credit goes to HorseMad2003...)

And she didn't actually say "Operationnnnnnnn goooooooooo!", just for yo information.

(Sorry for mistakes! Please comment/vote/share...whatever... Did you think it was funny? 😃)

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