Randomness: Chapter 17 • 0.0 Cheese Everywhere!

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Chapter 17

:3 Almost twentyyyyyy~~~

Okay, so, a few chapters before, I asked you;

[Why did the student eat his/her homework?

I said that the one who answered it correctly in the comments would get a shoutout from me.


Nobody answered.... ._.

So, the answer was: Because his/her teacher said it was a piece of cake!..


• What do you call an alligator in a vest?

Answer: An investigator!

• How do you organize a space party?

Answer: You PLANET!

• Person 1: Knock knock!

Person 2: Who's there?

Person 1: The broken pencil.

Person 2: The broken pencil who?

Person 1: Never mind.... It's POINTLESS.


• What did the melted cheese say to the unlucky tortilla?

Answer: "Man, it's nacho day!"

• Ketchup: It was nice to meat you.

Hotdog: Yeah, I hope to see you again soon so we can ketchup!

• What do you call a fake noodle?

Answer: An impasta!

• How do pigs go to the hospital?

Answer: With a hambulance!

• Which U.S state has the smallest drinks?

Answer: Minisoda! *dies of laughter*

• Banana Doctor: So,what seems to be the problem, Mr Banana?

Mr Banana: I don't know, doc. I haven't been PEELING well lately.

• What do you call a vampire that lives in the kitchen?

Answer: Count Spatula!

I'll be ending this chapter here.

Hope y'all liked it!

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