Randomness: Chapter 26 • Naughty Little Children

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Chapter 25

Naughty Little Children


Little Johnny and his classmates are having a lesson at school.

"Now, I want you to tell a sentence out loud with the word, 'beautiful'." the teacher instructs. Little hands shoot up.

"My mother planted a flower in our garden and it turned out beautifully." says Jane.

"Great sentence, but I said, 'beautiful', not 'beautifully', Jane." the teacher replies.

"My father said I looked great with my beautifully decorated dress." Betty calls across the room.

"Nice sentence, but I said 'beautiful', not 'beautifully', Betty." the teacher explains again.

Seeing no one can make a proper sentence, Little Johnny shouts:

"Last night at dinner, my sister said she missed her period and my dad yelled, 'Beautiful, just f*cking beautiful!'!"


Little Chuck is waiting in a queue for the apples at lunch time at his school. When he finally reaches the plates filled with apples, he sees a sign behind them saying, "Take only one, God is watching." Little Chuck takes only one apple and gets in the queue for the cookies. When he reaches the plates with piled up cookies, he takes a few. When his friend gts in line, he tells him, "Take as much as you want. God is watching the apples!"


There's a couple with very naughty children. Whenever there is some ruckus going on, it's probably the two mischievous children's doing. Sick of controlling their children's naughtiness, the couple decide to go and eat dinner outside as their children are looked after a babysitter.

The babysitter, wanting to know the full extent of their mischief, asks one of them, "Where is God?" The child looks at the babysitter with a wide mouth.

"Where is God?" the babysitter repeats. The child is really anxious now.

Angrily, the babysitter yells, "Where is God?!" The moments he does, the child runs over to his brother and tells him to run. As they do, the other child asks, "What's going on?" to which the other responds by saying: "We're in big trouble now! God is missing and they think we did it!"

Author's Note:

Hey guys... I hope you liked this chapter! I found it funny to write xD

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