Randomness: Chapter 41 • RIDDLES-PART SEVEN

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Chapter 41
Riddles - Part Seven
Yeah! The author has returned! Woooo!
I invite you to read this new chapter of Riddles!
Yeah! Wooooo!
Sadly, there are no winners for the last part of Riddles because nobody commented.
Last Riddles' riddles' answers: (lol. Riddles' riddles')
1- The chain isn't tied anywhere, so the horse can easily just walk up to the apple and munch on it.
2- The starrrrs! (If anybody dares to comment about TFIOS... -.-7)
3- The maid - the house is circular, so there are no corners to dust! Haha, busted, maid.
4- There was a grandfather, who was the father of his son, who was the father of his son. So, there are two fathers (the grandfather and the father) and two sons (the father and the son).
5- A human! It crawls on four legs when it's first born. Then it walks on two legs as an adult. Later on, it has three legs because of a stick humans use to walk when they're old - a cane!

Let's have a look at this part's riddles.

1) What has one eye but cannot see?
2) What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
3) A man was driving his truck. His lights were not on. The moon was not out. Up ahead, a woman was crossing the street. How did the man see the woman?
4) How many seconds are there in a year?
5) What is the center of gravity?
Let's see if you can answer those! ;P

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