But, he didn't need to. Aizawa was already walking over, making normal footsteps and not arousing any suspicion.

"Y/n" He said, stopping almost in front of you.

Your eyes instantly shot up at him. They were filled with worry, concern, confidence, fear, strength and the power of many lifting her up. His face stayed the same, but he wanted to smile at much you've grown.

"You seem uneasy, anything wrong?" He asked, speaking quietly so no on would hear.

"...No sir, fighting another licenced hero, that's all" You were speaking like a robot again.

Aizawa gave you one firm nod before turning and going back to the teachers. It took some time for your turn to come around, but when it did, you didn't even know if you were ready anymore.

You just walked straight into your ground without stopping to hear good lucks or anything. When you went nears the door, you could see inside. It was similar to an abandoned warehouse, scraps of metal here and there. This would be a breeze.

The noises went off and you ran inside, instantly heading for cover. Adrenaline was pumping in your veins as you took a step.

You weren't sure of what to do. Everything you've learnt seemed to leave your mind. You could either run to the exit or handcuff Sweet Dreams. Running to the exit would get you low  marks, handcuffing would be harder and give you better grades. Handcuffing Sweet Dreams it is.

You went to the top of the near empty storage holds. It was easier to walk on and you could have an over view of the warehouse. You also tried to stay hidden. It didn't last long when you were found the second you stood on the top.

"Found you!" Sweet Dreams said, twisting your arm around unnaturally.

You hissed in pain and used your other arm to elbow him a few times so he would let go. When he let go you turned to face him. Bad idea. He locked eyes with you and instantly activated his quirk.

Suddenly, everything around you went black. Like thick fog in the mornings. You couldn't see anything. As you were trying to figure out where you were, you were pushed off the top of the storages holds and fell instantly back onto the floor.

"Fuck!" You yelled out in pain as your back collided with the ground, luckily not making a crack.

Your vision slowly came back to you, but it was blurry. You could make out something travelling down fast onto you. Widening your eyes, you rolled out of the way and dodged the second attack from Sweet Dreams.

You quickly got to your feet and ran away. You had to get good vision back before fighting him again. It took exactly 16 seconds for you to get your vision back on track. When you did, you leaned your head to the side and crack your neck.

When you got back to your feet, you turned the corner. Something was strange about this. Standing right there in front of you was a young boy, clothes covered in dirt and dried blood. His hair was a mess. He looked young, around 5 or 6 years old. His brown eyes looked so...dead.

"Mo...nster" He mumbled out, blood dripping from the corners from the corners of his mouth.

In shock and fright you stepped back. This young boy took a ragged step towards you, he was fast.

"MOns...ter!" Monste...r!" He was chanting it now, spitting blood at you.

You hit a wall, stopping you from taking a step back. You then realised who this boy was. He was the first one. He was in the Yakasai with you. He was placed into the battle with you. This young boy was the first human you've killed.

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