Historia Reiss - Queensguard

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But before long, you had to pry yourself away from her. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," you lamented as you dragged yourself back to your post. "I'll make it up to you."

So the next time that you know you'll be assigned outside her bedroom door, you show up with all the courage you can muster, and do your best to prepare yourself as you get ready to go all the way with the Queen, who is also one of your closest friends – and you are not looking to mess it up with her.

The door creaks open about twenty minutes into your shift. Yet even though you expected it at some point, the sound of the doorknob turning makes you jump. The heavy wooden door creaks as it opens slowly.

Light from her bedroom shines out into the hallway, and you turn around to face the entrance as the door opens enough for Historia to get around. Long blonde hair tumbles over her shoulders as she pokes her head around the door. You catch her gaze, and her eyes light up when she sees you.

"Historia – I mean, Your Highness!" you exclaim. "I didn't think I'd see you again so soon." Blood rushes in your ears, and you feel a little bit dizzy at the idea of what will probably happen if you go inside there with her.

"I hope you didn't miss me too badly..." she teases, but then gets a little more serious, "I have your schedule memorized. The nights where you're on guard are always my favorites."

She smiles sweetly at you, and her fingers drum against the wood of the door. Her eyes flit from you to the empty corridor. When she sees that no one is around, she pushes the door open a little more.

"I can't blame you," you reply, and you take her hand to press a kiss onto it. "They're my favorite nights, too."

Despite the cool and collected smile on your face, you can feel the beads of nervous sweat beginning to form on your forehead as you know what's about to come next.

Historia tucks her hair behind her ear and clears her throat. Sure enough: "So will you keep me company for a little while?" she asks. "I can't seem to fall asleep."

You pretend to be scandalized and feign a gasp. "But Your Highness... I'm not allowed."

She rolls her eyes and giggles. "Get in here, dummy," she says as she grabs you by your jacket. "You know you don't have to follow the same stupid rules as everyone else does."

The queen stands on the tips of her toes and pulls at your collar. You bend down to her height but let her come to you. At first, her lips are so gentle and soft against yours that you can hardly feel her, but the soft puffs of breath from her nose of your cheek leave you with no doubt.

Historia pulls away, then nuzzles her nose into yours. Her eyes flit from your lips down to the collar of your shirt. Slowly and deliberately, she undoes the top button before she looks at you again.

"You'll stay, right?" she asks, eyes wide.

"Of course," you say immediately, and curse yourself for seeming overeager.

But Historia giggles along with you and squeezes your shoulder. "Good," she says. She slides her hands down your shoulders slowly and lets them drag all the way down your arms. You shiver as shivers run down your spine.

Her fingers trace down until she reaches your hands, which she takes into hers as gently as always. "Nothing. It's just cold," she says, and shakes her head dismissively, "I want to get back in bed."

"Then you should. I'll come with you." The words leave your mouth before you know it, and you don't give yourself the time to think before you guide her there. You place your hand on her lower back.

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