Chapter 44: Blame

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"Y/N!!" I heard Nichi yell. My vision kept losing focus as I jumped back. Luckily before Saito could pull the trigger earlier, I managed to kick it out of his grip causing the glass wall to crack. I quickly turned to Shinichiro who had his eyes on me worriedly.

"SHINICHIRO, BEHIND YOU!" I warned when I saw one of Saito's men launching from behind him. He was quick to react to my call when he immediately ducked from the attack and punched the guy in the gut.

I was about to come to help him when suddenly I felt a harsh tug on the back of my shift and pulled me towards the three guys. It was none other than Saito who immediately ran to take the gun back in his hold. I jumped and landed a kick on the side of the guy's head causing him to take a few steps back and the other two launching at me. A few hits were taken as I was being careful with my injury which caused me to divide my attention between fights. I kept stepping back while avoiding their hits and before I knew it, my back hit something hard and breathing heavily.

It was Shinichiro.

He looked exhausted already for fighting the others who are still standing. There are still seven of them standing and if I'm right, all of them are from Kuro Tenshi's gang.

"We're surrounded." I said, wiping the blood off my bottom lip while glaring at the men who watched us intently.

"I'm sorry you got yourself involved. I should've dropped you home." Shin's voice was laced with regret and worry. I frowned at his words. If I'm not here, I can't even wonder what could've happened to him all alone.

"Well I'm glad you didn't." He's still bleeding due to his head injury earlier. He can't move too much or he'll lose more. I can't let him keep fighting like this. I just need to keep him out of Saito's grip.

"Duck!" I yelled when someone came rushing at him. He did what I said and I quickly raised my leg to kick the one who still continued to attack. At that very moment, a fight broke out with only the two of us against a bunch of intruders.

The fight kept going until there were only two left who quickly rushed out of the place for weirdly for whatever reason it is. I noticed Shinichiro is already crouching down with his hand on the side of his stomach with his face contorted in pain. Those guys must've punched him too hard on that part.

Please endure this one until help arrives, Nichi.

"Stop this already, Saito." I took a step forward in an attempt to get closer to the blond. He was quiet and was just watching the whole fight earlier. But on the second step I took, he shouted back at me.


I froze in my place when I started hearing sniffing from him. He'a facing the floor so I can't really see if he's crying but the way his shoulders kept trembling, I knew in an instant something's bothering him.


"Himari... she was the only family I had left." At the mention of the name, I frowned. If I remember it right, Saito is his last name. If he's directly related to someone called Himari then... "And I had to lose her early just because of a stupid guy who can't even love her back!!"

At that, my suspicion was proven in a blink of an eye. Saito Himari. She's someone who I can never forget. A friend who accompanied me in this country together with Rin. The friend we lost because we failed to help her fully.

"Himari? You... you're her brother?" I asked and Saito widened his eyes as he met my gaze. "What do you mean she died because of Shinichiro?" Though I was struggling to keep my consciousness earlier, I managed to head his conversation with Nichi about him hurting his sister.

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