Chapter 12: A Best Friend

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The next day, indeed the Higanbana kept their word as Shinichiro went early to his workplace and found not a single member in the corner, watching his every move. It's a good day for him only if he doesn't have that heavy feeling on his chest.

"Yo Shin!" Through the entrance of the bike shop, another dark haired man showed up . From crouching down on the side of a bike, Shinichiro raised his head to see his friend approach him.

"Takeomi? What brings you here?" He asked before continuing doing some adjustments to the bike while paying attention to his friend's whining.

Somehow, listening to his friend brought him memories of his old bond with the H/C haired girl as she used to barge into his apartment before, surprising him usually with food and just time with each other. And she would never run out of topic to tell him. It's almost as if there's nothing in her life that he knows nothing of that even the smallest details about her, she would let him know.

"I'm bored, man. Say, you down to drinking tonight?" The boy flopped himself down to the chair behind the counter and Shinichiro tilted his head in confusion.

"I thought you had a date to go to?" He can clearly recall how the male was being all too excited while telling him about the date with Y/N's friend that was supposed to happen today, telling him he thinks it's going to work between them after the dates they've been through together.

"Rin cancelled the date. Said she had to go visit her friend at the hospital." Takeomi sighed, placing his elbow on the counter and resting his face on his palm as he pouted his lips like a child whining. But Shinichiro on the other hand froze on his place at the mention of a friend, immediately thinking it's the person he least wanted to be in a hospital.

"What happened?" He tried to keep his cool as he rose from the ground, picking up his tools.

"Dunno. She didn't want to tell me. Guess it's a secret between friends. I'm worried though." The black haired man shrugged, not helping Shinichiro's bad feeling go away. "But you still down to get a drink?" He continued and the raven haired boy nod his head in confirmation.

"Yeah sure. After I close the shop."

"Nice! I'll come stop by then." And with that, Takeomi left his shop to go somewhere else.

Watching his friend wave at him from the outside through the glass wall, Shinichiro can't help but smile, remembering how Y/N used to invite him randomly at anything she finds entertaining.

And he admits that he misses that part of her.

"Y/N!!" Through the room door, a girl still in her school uniform barged in, looking for her friend with a worried expression. There sitting on the bed, leaning on the headrest, Y/N shifted her gaze from the window to the newcomer and bopped her head at her friend only to be greeted with another shout from her. "What the hell happened?!" Rin rushed towards her bestfriend and eyed her condition in pure concern.

Her left arm wrapped up in a bandage to her shoulders for support. And another bandage wrapped around her head and a patch on her left eye. A busted lip that still showed how pale the female is while a couple more bruises visible on her arm and cheek. Rin's stomach churned at the sight of her friend. Never have she ever witnessed such state of her before even when she was new to the world of delinquency.

"Just some gang problems." The girl shrugged but Rin threw her bag on the couch while placing the fruits' basket on the bedside table.

"Oh my God, I always forget that you're a delinquent but geez Y/N! This is the first time you've been this badly beaten up! Did something happen?" She asked with voice laced with worry as she drag a chair to sit beside the bed.

"It was just a misunderstanding. Don't worry." Y/N waved her hand, trying to dismiss the subject. Y/N has always been careful with discussing delinquency matters with Rin as she doesn't want her to get involved in such situations.

"Not when you're this hurt badly. How could I not worry?" She sighed and gave her a worried look. "Does your mom know about this?" The fact that Y/N's been participating in gangs and fights was kept a secret from her mother to avoid her worrying.

"Gin and I had a talk about it last night and came up with an excuse. She had visited me earlier." Everytime she gets injured, she would just sometimes spend the night at Rin's until her wounds heal and Gin would be the one to excuse her. But this time was something she couldn't hide in just a few days so they had to lie about her getting robbed and beaten up.

"Aren't you going on a date with Takeomi today?" She started when she remembered Rin's message yesterday that she wasn't able to reply to.

"I cancelled it. I just know that someone needs my help for the whole day." Rin flipped her hair to the side with a smug look on her face.

"Oh please, I can manage it perfectly." Y/N protested and tried to get up to show her when she was immediately pushed back down to the bed.

"Oh no no no! You're not getting out of bed! Stay!" Rin scolded her like a dog and she can't help but release a sigh at how her friend is acting just because she got a worse injury than before.

"Rin, I'll be fine. I'll only be resting for the day so you don't need to worry."

"No! Last time you got injured, you went to the gym the next day! I am NOT letting you do that again." The auburn haired female crossed her arms while tapping her shoe on the ground.

"Does it look like I can go to the gym with this broken arm?" Y/N pointed at her splinted broken arm while raising a brow at her friend sarcastically.

"If it's you, then maybe." The stubborn Rin shrugged causing Y/N to sigh in defeat to which she grinned in victory. When she did, she went to the couch and started shuffling through her bag, pulling out a couple papers. "And here I printed a copy of the notes for today's lessons. You can review them when you feel fine." She smiled and place the papers on the table.

"Thanks, Rin."

Rin has always been the caring friend between the two. Not only will she take care of her when Y/N gets into trouble but she would also make the effort to help her in any way even when she can do it by herself. And that's why she adored the redhead even from the start of their friendship.

"Anytime! Now, would you like some apples?" Rin smiled and grabbed a knife to start cutting the apple she brought for her bestfriend.

For a moment, a memory of Y/N's past with the raven haired male came into her mind. Before, it was Shinichiro who would take care of her always and just like Rin, Shinichiro wouldn't even let her move an inch when she's sick. And even tried to cook for her which turned out a failure but was still greatly appreciated by the girl. After all, he did it for her no matter how hard it was for him.

'Oh to be close to you again.'

The two thought unkowingly to each other as they spend their time with their now bestfriend in a new chapter of their life.

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