Chapter 6: A Night With You

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My eyes widen when I watched her about to hit me for real with her fist but instead, I felt like I shouldn't move an inch to dodge her attack for some unknown reason. So that's what I did.

Just a few steps near me, she suddenly flinched which didn't go unnoticed by me. And almost immediately, I ran up to her when she closed her eyes and body falling limp forward. With one final step, I managed to catch her in time. Her head rested on my shoulder as I hold onto her frail figure. She just... lost consciousness all of a sudden.

What happened?

She didn't look like she wasn't feeling well earlier so why?

My eyes then trailed down to the back side of her neck and noticed something poking out. It was a needle that's used to pass out people. I don't remember seeing someone behind her to sneakily plunge this onto her neck before she came to attack me. So how come did she suddenly have this out of nowehere?

Could it be...

I looked to the side to where the needle might come from but I see no one but people fighting each other. There must be someone... but who? Suddenly, sirens were heard from a distance and I cussed out loud and removed the needle from her neck. Not minding which gang she's from, I took her in my arms and made my way to my bike as I ordered the Black Dragon of the police's arrival.

Everyone had started to scurry away from the scene and we also did. I saw the same guy earlier who talked to Y/N at the restaurant stare at me with a shock look on his face. As soon as I got on my bike, he ran to the bike where he ride with earlier and my brows furrowed in confusion when he started it by himself without the rider who drove it earlier. But I quickly shook the thought away and prioritised this girl's safety. With my other hand controlling the handle, I had my other supporting her body against mine as we rode off.

Without looking back, I sped up to my shop. I can't have her go back to her home at this state. I'm not even sure if she lives in her grandfather's old house or she had a house of her own. I can't get her to our residence as well as I might worry them. I'm still bleeding and she's still out. They would surely panic if they saw us especially gramps.

I carry her on my back as I open the shop and slip us inside. But as soon as I closed it back, I noticed a biker peeking out from the far corner of the road. It's already a little late so it wasn't that hard to notice. But due to the fact that her safety's lingering in my mind, I paid no heed to the stranger and closed the shop, locking the two of us inside. I quickly went inside the lounge room and placed her body gently on the couch. I only turned on the lamp on the table as to not hurt her eyes in her sleep so the room's not well lit up.

I took a seat beside her and brushed the hair from her face to the side. Seeing her today was one thing for me to process in my mind but finding out she's in a gang and even dared to fight me was another thing for me to handle. She looked so serious earlier. Even when she kicked me out of nowhere, her eyes held no emotion but coldness. If I didn't know better, I would be mad at her for doing such thing but when I saw her snatch that tube from her fellow member that was supposed to hit me, I knew in an instant she was trying to protect me. After all these years, she's still that same girl I know who would risk her own self for someone.

After cleaning my wound, I return to her only to find her breathing steadily. I sat down and caress her hair between my fingers as I watch her sleep.

"I didn't get to tell you earlier but you were so beautiful back there." I smiled. I know that she can't hear me as she's trapped up in her dreamland for the night and I can't help but chuckle at myself, knowing I only get to say this to her just because she's asleep. "And when I saw you at the fight, you were as charismatic than ever."

"Though I was more worried." I giggled and ran my thumb across her cheek. "How did you even get into that gang? I know you used to pick fights back then but I never expected you to join a gang. You've always hated how men would solve things through fists." I frown. She's a magnet to troubles back then.

I remember how the girls would always pick a fight with her, trying to drag her down but she would always have a comeback of her own. The bullies can't even land a hand on her when she's been on self defense lessons and is active at offensive when it comes to sports. She was so cheerful and lively back then as if no one can drag her vibe down. And she would just smile her problems away often. It was stupid at first but soon she managed to open up to me more which drew us closer to each other.

She was such a sweet and lovely person but wouldn't think twice to kick someone who tries to hurt her... especially me. I chuckle once again while shaking my head.

"I feel stupid talking to a passed out person." I ruffle her hair, missing the feeling of how we used to be this close before. She would often sleep when I'm around and I would always end up taking care of her.

Suddenly, she groaned. I looked at her and saw her nose scrunched up and brows furrowed, all over face contorted as her eyes are closed.

"Go away... Shinichiro." She muttered under her breath and I was taken aback by her sudden words. Before, she used to mutter how much she loved me in her sleep. But now... she's pushing me away as if she's done with me for long time now. With a sad look on my face, I laid beside her, pulling her figure closer to me as I hide my face on the crook of her neck.

"I don't want to leave you again." I whispered. This might look like I'm taking advantage of her in her sleep but I want to feel her in my arms again. I want to feel her warmth against me just like how we were before. I want to sleep beside her again and worry not about my problems. I want to be by her side again despite what happened.

"It hurts." Her voice cracked and I look up to see her still having a pained expression.

"You're having a bad dream?" I wrapped my arms around her pulling her impossibly closer to me as I bury my face once again in her neck, feeling her warmth with me, trying to make her feel that she have me with her.

I slowly began to hum the song I always sing her to sleep back then. The song that used to calm her everytime I hum it to her. It's been so long since I last did this to her and I'm more than thankful I get to experience this again even though there's no assurance for a repetition of it. Soon I felt her body relax against me and my lips broke into a soft smile.

"Good night, Y/N."

Whatever dream you're having, I hope it ends up happily.

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