Chapter 28: I'll Still Love You

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Rin and Takeomi came back with excitement overflowing from them as they tell us about the fireworks show that's to be done tonight and so they got us tickets for the ferris wheel for us to watch it in a better view. And here it led us inside this transparent walls of our ride, slowly rotating as we wait for the fireworks to be released. But again, I can feel Shinichiro's gaze not leaving me but this time, he looked worried than just admiring my presence with him.

"Something's been bothering you since we got here." Retreating my eyes from the outside, I shifted it to him whose eyes were sad as they stare down at me.

"I'm sorry. Am I ruining the date?" I did have fun with the rides earlier although I really still felt that same gloomy feeling within me no matter how hard I try to push it aside. Was I that obvious? Am I making him feel bad about this date?

"N/N, you don't have to worry about the date. If something bothers you, just tell me." Just then, he extended his hand towards me, opening his palm in front. "Your hand." I obliged and placed my hand on his. His action took me aback when he raised it to his lips, giving my knuckles a butterfly kiss.


"I know you're worried and I may not be the best at reading people but I can sense your worries, N/N." He soothe the back of my hand with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He smiled and I can't help but feel worse.

How can he be so kind and so understanding when I'm literally giving off the ungrateful person vibe? I really do appreciate his efforts of taking me out and spending time with me and even went to rides by my side. I really do. I just can't really help the thought of my father whom I spend time in places like this and it kills me that I won't be able to experience those things anymore.

And now here is the man who decided to bring me here because he's convinced that I'm still into these type of things because that's what I've been obsessing over in the past. How can I even tell him that I don't want to be anywhere near a theme park anymore when he thought this is the best place to take me because I wished to have him here with me before?

"Shinichiro, are you not worried?" I squeezed his hand as he hummed.


"Us. We're not the same as before and I can't assure you that I'm still the same Y/N that you liked in the past. Your grandfather was right. I've changed... and I don't know how it will affect us now." It felt like we're supposed to start back to zero because of how I am at this time. I can't even fully express myself to him anymore like back then. All I can do is hope that my feelings would reach him no matter what.

However, his lips broke into a smile causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing. Is that what you're worried about?" His smile never left his face as he await for my response which I did with a nod of my head.

"N/N, no matter how much you change, I'll still love you. You will still be Y/N but with just a different part of you being more dominant than the other. I love you as a whole and that includes your flaws."

"But I'm not the same anymore." I hang my head low as I whisper the words in shame but he only let out a chuckled.

"I know. The second I laid my eyes on you on that blind date, I knew in an instant that you've changed a lot. But that isn't a reason for me to unlove you. If you really did change completely then I'm willing to start over again and get to know the new you. But the moment we got back together, I know you're still you. No matter how much you change on the surface, all I see is the same Y/N I met when we were younger." His fingers held my chin, making me look up at him as he flashed a sweet smile my way.

I can't help but feel my eyes water at his words. I'm aware that he never fails to surprise me with his words and actions but so far this is the best that I've heard from him for a while now. I don't get how he could say those when it's really hard to accept someone who's changed. Yet here he is, believing that I'm still the same. Am I still the same? I can obviously see the changes I've gone through with my behavior... but I can't deny the fact that everything I felt within me is still the same as back then.

"We've been through a lot. And by a lot, I really mean a lot in our lives. But look where it got us now. Even after all that, we still have each other in our hearts. Well, at least I hope I am still in yours." He scratched the back of his head nervously and I glare at him for the last sentence that he said.

Is he seriously thinking there could be someone out there who can outplace him in my life?

"Stupid." He laughed out loud at my annoyed behavior and ruffled my hair.

"I'm just kidding."

"But seriously... even if you treat me in the coldest way possible, I will still fall for you because I know deep inside lies the N/N I love who's probably just shy to show how much she loves me." He had a toothy grin plastered on his face as he wiggle his eyebrows at me playfully, making me giggle.

Oh how lucky I am to have this man.

I know it's bad for me to depend on other people's words and promises. I know I've learned my lesson before. But seeing the sincerity in his eyes tells me everything I need to know. As much as I doubt myself today, there is still someone who believes in the real me. And that person is him.

"Now look to your side." He smiled and nodded his head to the side. I shifted my gaze from him to what's happening outside and immediately I was greeted by the bright colors bursting into the dark night sky wonderfully.

I watched it with pure adoration and soon I realized that I've been smiling and didn't even notice that Shinichiro has been staring at me the whole time with the same soft smile on his face as well.

Suddenly realizing something, I look back at him and met his lovely pitch black eyes that gazed at me softly. I was so caught up with the overwhelming feeling of losing my loved ones that I didn't even get to see how much I've enjoyed everything that's happened today. And it was because of the man sitting in front of me.

"Nichi..." Smiling, I leaned towards him closing the gap between our lips and I can tell he was taken aback when he suddenly tensed but smiled through the soft kiss that we shared. It lasted a few seconds before I pulled back with a genuine smile on my face before telling him the words I failed to say since earlier.

"Thank you."

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