Chapter 23: Everyday Promise

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My eyes fluttered open when I heard the door close. Turning to my side, I only see Emma sleeping peacefully and Mikey snoring beside her who laid on his back, tired from all the playing we did. But beside him, Shinichiro was no longer lying asleep with us. My eyes roamed the four walls of a dark room but found him nowhere in sight.

Releasing a quiet yawn, I stood up after pulling the sheets on the two and silently made my way to the door. Opening it slightly, I spot Shinichiro sitting on the floor, facing outside with a cigarette between his lips and puffing out the smoke afterwards, closing his eyes in the process.

"You smoke." I clutch on the shirt I'm wearing as I step out, feeling the cold engulf my frame. He look up at me with a look of surprise as I took a seat beside him, crossing my arms against my chest in hopes to keep me warm. "Something in your mind?"

"No, smoking just became a habit." He chuckled and puffed out another smoke.

"That's not good, Shinichiro." I frowned. It's not because I hate the smell of smokes and cigarettes but I really am worried of its effects to his health. He replied with a smile and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him and laying my head on his shoulder. I quietly followed, satisfied with the warmth he gave me.

"You don't call me by it." My brows furrowed in confusion and I ask him.


"The nickname you gave me." His serious eyes met mine and I felt my cheeks warm up, feeling his intense gaze on me as he held the cigarette between his fingers to the side while he waited for my response.

"E-Eh? But didn't you used to tell me that it doesn't suit you?" I replied avoiding his gaze, flustered.

"If it's you calling me that then I'll make it suit me." He smiled and I weakly slapped his thigh, causing him to chuckle at my reaction. It would be a lie if I say his flirting isn't effective. I'm genuinely concerned how the other girls managed to reject this guy. Though I'm not complaining.

A comfortable silence took over as we watch the stars shine in the dark night sky. Suddenly, I felt his hand soothe my arm, warming it before he take out his cigarette.

"I still can't believe we're back together." I chuckled at his words.

"Me neither." I never did expect things to turn out this way. This was supposed to only happen in my dreams and wishes yet here I am now, head leaned on the shoulder of the person I love.

He took my chin in his fingers, making me angle my face towards his. Once again, I saw the unfamiliar look on his eyes and it sent shivers down my spine as I watch his half lidded eyes stay glued on my lips while he caress my bottom lip with his thumb. I think I already know where this is going. Before he could get any closer, I raised my pointfinger and placed it on his lips, stopping him from doing whatever it is he's trying to do.

"Nope. The kids might wake up." As much as I want to give in to the thought, I can't risk Mikey and Emma seeing us in such state. Please, they're too young to witness a sight like that.

"It's just a kiss." His lips slightly pouted and I saw his eyes turned back to its normal look and I chuckle.


"You've grown so much." His hand ruffled my hair while smiling. I frown and look up at him weirdly. His eyes then widen all of a sudden, fueling my confusion. "I-I mean—I mean you became more mature. Not the thing in uhh—" The moment he mentioned it, I immediately realized what he thought of and I raised a brow at him.


"I mean they also grew but what I really meant was—" I wasn't able to stifle my laughter when he started to panic. Do I really look like I'm upset about my chest size? It's not the biggest nor is it the smallest. I just don't complain about it.

"I was kidding, Nichi. No need to panic." He looked taken aback by the name but still smiled in victory, nonetheless. I pinched his cheek and lean my head back on his shoulder, snuggling myself closer to him to which he responded by wrapping his arm around me in a tight embrace.

"I really missed you." He sighed almost dreamily and I snaked my uninjured arm around his waist.

"I really really really missed you." I quickly pinched his side when he started to laugh at my response making him wince instead.

"God, I wish there would nothing be in our way this time. I'll definitely marry you when you graduate." Shinichiro kissed the top of my head before leaning his cheek on it. However, I only felt myself stiffen, aware that the gangs are already in the way and that I still have no idea what Danzai is planning for us. I almost forgot that it's still risky for us. "If something went in our way again..." My heart speed up as I wait for him to continue.

"I'll make them pay this time because nothing can take you away from me anymore. Not even you, yourself." I almost release a deep sigh of relief, trusting his words completely even though it might be just something a person should say to lighten up the mood.

"I will never take myself away from you, idiot."

"With how stupid you are to bear everything on your own, you might." I look up and glare at him but he only smiled back, messing up my hair again. "So let me know everything I need to know. I promise I'll help you no matter what it is." I felt a lump form in my throat. Does he even know the state we're in? It's as if he forgot our gangs are now enemies.

"Even if I killed a person?" I joked in a serious tone.

"Even if you—wait what?" Against the moonlight, I saw how he had a ghost expression in his face the moment he realized so I decided to continue.

"What? You won't help me if I killed someone?"

"N-No! I mean yes! Wait no! That's not what I meant—" I chuckled, cutting him off. He pursed his lips together in guilt as he look down, feeling embarrassed.

"You're too adorable. Of course I wouldn't do that. And if I ever did, I know you would do the right thing." Placing my palm on his cheek, I smiled at him softly. "That's why I love you."

"I love you, too." He snuggled his face on my neck, hugging me tight against him.

"Aren't we being too cheesy since last night?"

"We are... but who cares? I have more than four years to catch up in telling you how much I love you. Or did you forget our promise with each other?"

Just then, a memory of our past flashed in my mind again.

"N/N, why do you always tell me that?" He giggled, aware that it almost felt like the hundredth time I said those words to him.

"When I was younger than I am now, I promised myself that if I met the right one, I'll remind him everyday of my love." I saw the tip of his ears turn red as his lips broke into a stunning smile.

"That's so sweet of you. So, I'm your right one then?"

"Always has been." I proudly answered when he suddenly raised a pinky in front of me.

"Then it's a promise."

"Promise?" I tilt my head, confused and he nod his head, smiling with his eyes almost closed.

"From today onwards, I'll remind you everyday of my love for you as well."

I smiled, remembering another memory I had with him.

"Why do you always remember my embarrassing moments?" He pulled away from me with his lips stretched in a wide smile.

"Because I love you, N/N."

Why do I find them adorable pls— 😔 as what I've said in the previous chapter, I'm not really good at writing sweet lovely scenes so I hope this would suffice

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