Chapter 21: Sano Family

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On the front door stood two kids with a look of surprise on their faces as they watch the two adults in front of them who were soaked from the rain.

"What is she doing here?" The blond boy asked his elder brother pertaining to the girl beside him. After that scene earlier, the two had no choice but to stop by at the Sano's residence for them to dry up since it's closer to the company building than where the female lives. Before they could answer, a voice had interrupted them from inside the house.

"Ah Y/N! Come inside! It's been so long since your last visit. Emma, hurry and get some towels for them." The old man pulled the girl inside while the two kids stepped aside still confused at what's happening. Emma, on the other hand quickly ran inside to gather some towels for the two.

"Please pardon my intrusion. We really had to stop by due to the heavy rainfall." Y/N stated and this made Mikey's ears perk up and he snapped his head to Shinichiro in shock that his brother was with the girl earlier.

"You're always welcome here, dear."

Emma came back running with towels in her hand and handed it quickly to them to which they thanked the little girl. Taking the towel from his sister, he wrapped it around Y/N's shoulder before leaning closer to her ear.

"Let's go so you can change." He said and the girl nodded her head in agreement before turning to the old man with a smile. "Please excuse us."

Shinichiro led her inside the house to the bathroom as the three watched them disappear in the corridors. The two kids sharing a look of confusion seeing as the two looked as if they were in good terms. Not to mention that their brother seem to be all touchy with the female to which she didn't bother to react to. There was only one question in their mind.

'What just happened to the two?'

"Aren't you being so formal with them?" The raven haired man asked the girl beside him as soon as they stopped in front of the bathroom. It feels new to him that the girl's being too formal to his family when she used to be so close to them before.

"Should I not be?" She tilted her head, confused. He sighed at her response and pulled the girl by her waist, placing his hands on both sides as he stare at her eyes.

"We're already back together now, aren't we? They're your family, too." He reassured her but Y/N only sighed at this as thoughts filled her mind, causing her to overthink again. She can't help but think of the possibility of losing him again. She was treated like a family of their own before. So when they separated, it felt new to her that there were no longer the Sano siblings annoying her. Shinichiro immediately noticed her uneasiness that he decided to speak up. "You seem bothered."

"I'm sorry, I was just worried." She waved her hand in front before sighing. "What if it won't work? And I... I don't want to grow close with anyone too much and—" She was scared. And she still is. Losing people who are important in her life wasn't easy for her to let go.

"You worry too much." He cut her off by placing his finger on her lips.

"I'm sorry."

The male placed his hand on top of her head, patting it lightly.

"You don't need to be scared. Because this time I won't let you go. And I won't let you push me away again. So let me know if anything bothers you, okay? I'll make anything better for the both of us." He smiled in reassurance and Y/N felt her heart clench as her eyes started to water again. Seeing as she started to soften again, Shinichiro pulled her into another embrace. "I'm here, Y/N. So don't face anything alone. I failed to do this before so let me do it now. Let me carry that same burden on your shoulders and I'll make things work for us no matter what. I don't want the past to come to a repeat."

For once, Y/N felt like she doesn't need to keep it to herself anymore. It felt like she can already lean on someone other than herself. It was one of her mistakes in the past that she didn't trust him enough to lean on him in her tough times. And so she wants to do it this time as well just like how he's willing to do the same thing for her.

"You don't have to worry if it gets worse because I promise I won't leave you again." The words that left him made her bite her lip to stop her tears.

A promise she desired more than anything. A promise she wished to be fulfilled on her, as well. A promise she hoped that will come from the person she treasures the most.

"You're making me emotional." Her voice broke at the end as she wiped the tear that escape from the corner of her eye trying to keep her composure. Shinichiro chuckled at her and pulled away.

"Am I?" He grinned and the girl could only glare at him for teasing to which he laughed before kissing the tip of her nose causing her cheeks to turn red in embarrassment. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

The exchange between the two was witnessed by three beings from the corner, watching them secretly. None other than the Sano siblings and the elder. They could only gaze at them with relief and happiness for the two. Mikey on the other hand felt guilty as soon as he saw the broken side of the female. He felt it. Her fear of losing someone as if she's been through too much. Even if in his view, the girl was the one who broke his brother, he can't help but feel bad and sympathy for her, as well.

After washing up, Y/N stayed inside Shinichiro's room as she finished changing into the clothes he lent her, waiting for him to finish drying up. She stood in front of the mirror, taking in her appearance, she noticed how she looked different. With bags under her red and puffy eyes, she can alao tell that she lost weight again as she wasn't in her best state for the past few days. She can't help but sigh heavily, slumping back her shoulders in disappointment.

Shinichiro who watched her look at herself almost chuckled at how she's frowning at the mirror and even failed to notice his approach. Standing behind her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned his chin on her shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't notice you." She apologized while looking at his reflection to which he smiled.

"I'm not trying to encourage you to not take care of yourself or anything but I just want to say that you still look beautiful, darling." He wiggled his brows at her teasingly, making her let out a giggle as she placed her hand on top of his, admiring their figures on the mirror.

Oh how she wished for this day to come.

And now she's caged in his arms once again with his familiar warmth engulfing her lovingly.

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