Chapter 19: Truth

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Life was never easy for the female ever since she took over her father's company which overlapped with her studies multiple times already. The judgements of others went hard on her but did she care? She never paid attention to it anymore. She's been through worse for her to make a big deal out of stupid rumors when she can prove them wrong silently with her own actions.

It was just another day in the company as Y/N signed up the papers stuck on my table for some days now, hoping it'll help her forget the events of the other day. Yes, it's been days since she last saw Shinichiro. She thinks what she did probably made him realize a thing. Though she felt relieved, she can't help but also feel sad at the idea of him giving up on her as flashbacks crossed her mind. A soft knock on the door was heard and her brunette secretary came in.

"L/N-san, someone is requesting for your presence downstairs. He wouldn't leave so I had to inform you about it in case you know who the person is." Since Y/N's involved in a gang, She made the staff aware to inform her of uninvited visitors when they claim they know the female in case there's an emergency message needed to be passed down to her from the leader. It's often just Akio coming so some already recognise him as her friend.

"What's the person's name?" Is Akio not available today? And what could they want with her at this time?

"Sano Shinichiro." The H/C girl froze on her seat as her pen hovered over the paper she's supposed to sign.

'What is he doing here?'

Clearing her throat, she finished signing the blank part on the paper as she gathered the right words to say.

"Make him leave. Call the security on him if he still resists." She tried to make herself busy to distract herself from thinking about him and yet here he comes, visiting her in her working hours.

'Why does he have to make this difficult for me?'

"Yes." Her secretary said before walking out of the room with a final bow.

It was already getting late when the meeting ended. Even when she still wants to stay inside the building, she can't just not go home and so currently, she's walking to the entrance of the building, ready to leave as she look for her keys in her bag only to realize she only walked to the company early morning. With a heavy sigh, she watched the dark sky, contemplating on how she's gonna go home when a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Y/N." She almost jumped at the sound of Shinichiro's deep voice. Turning her head to the side, he saw him walking up to her and the more he got closer, the more the smell of cigarette made its way to her nostrils making her scrunch her nose.

"What are you still doing here? Did I not make myself clear the other day?" She tried to sound rude and cold but she knows too well how much she missed the guy who is now standing beside her.

"Let's talk... please." Shinichiro on the other hand who still feel nervous even after finishing a couple cigarettes he smoked, took in his old man's words, not being able to keep it to himself anymore. He had days to think about it and finally came up with a decision.

"We have nothing to talk about." Y/N stood straight and looked him in the eye, knowing it is what's going to convince him but the raven haired boy stood his ground.

"Well, I have so if you would just spare me a small amount of your time." He pleaded and hoped that she'll give him a chance as he desperately wanted to talk to her about everything. He had taken this opportunity to talk to her, he can't let it go down the drain again.

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