Epilogue Pt. 1

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After having dinner with the group, they're now standing in front of a so called abandoned place. This was supposed to be the Sano's residence. And as what her friends told Y/N, the real owner of this place had long passed away with his successor going off to live a life somewhere else. It was said that too much had happened in the Sano's bloodline causing the grandson to leave the place as to not remember such memories. Though it was a history told by many throughout the years even though it already happened a long time ago, she can't be sure either whether it happened in reality.

The girl suddenly stopped on her tracks when she saw a sign at the corner.

No Trespassing. Private Property.

'And here I thought they told me this place wasn't owned by any.'

"Hiromi, are you sure we're allowed to trespass?" She turned to their brunette friend who was the one who invited them to explore the place. Neither of them thinks it's a good idea to explore a private property.

"Weren't you the one wanting to go explore?" He retorted with a brow raised.

"Yeah? But I mean legally." She placed a hand on her hip and stare back at him sassily.

"We'll be fine, you guys. Let's just go inside and ready your flashlights. I heard it's every Friday that this place gets haunted." Ryuu said with his eyes glimmering in excitement and they allfollowed him inside the place, ignoring the sign. He's the one who suggested to explore at night, saying it's much more thrilling. "They say there appears to be a guy who cleans the house and people claim him to be the first grandson of the old Sano who passed away when he was in his mid 20s." Y/N on the other hand, stayed behind them, flashing her light in their surroundings as they walk.

Surprisingly, the place isn't full of dust. If someone were to appear tonight, Y/N persuaded herself that she most likely be convinced that someone is living here. What do they find so creepy in this place anyway? It's not like it's giving her a creepy vibe at all. Instead she feels a strong connection with the place. Probably it's because of people like Ryuu who liked to scare people with the stories they pick up from a stranger.

She look up and saw the three of them together with Emi clinging onto Ryuu who walked on the front. Y/N smirked as a thought crossed her mind. The moment they entered a room, Ryuu started to talk again about this eldest grandson of this Sano who was apparently a gang leader and considered murdered along with his lover years ago in his own bike shop.

Somehow that scene felt so familiar to the girl but can't seem to put her finger on it unexpectedly. When she watched them separate from each other, the H/C haired girl smirked once again before hitting the side of her fist on the wall creating a loud sound while she shouted.


"AAHHH!! Y/N!!" She broke down in laughter as the scene kept on repreating in her mind. Them jumping together and automatically clinging to whoever's near them was hilarious to her making them all glare at her.

"You guys are scaredy cats." She teased and flashed her light to the side, immediately noticing how empty the room is. It is wide and she can't help but imagine it to be a real house made back in Japan's history period.

As they were about to leave the room, she felt someone tug on her shirt and  she turned to see her blunette friend, Rika.

"You didn't really answer my question at the train." She whispered and she knew in an instant what she meant. She's the only person who knew about her having weird dreams and the only person who remained interested in it. "What happened in your dream last night?" Recalling what happened earlier, she really didn't answer her when she asked Y/N about her dream.

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