Chapter 16: Protect

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I'm already a few minutes late for the club meeting but I'm feeling excited to come today. I'll see Y/N again, after all and we will be doing her tutor lesson at her house later. Even though she's half japanese and is been speaking fluently, she's still having a hard time writing kanji so I had to teach her what I know. And honestly, I can never complain about it.

However, when I reach our club room, I saw no sign of her. I excused myself before taking a seat at the far back before asking someone nearby.

"Where's Y/N?"

"She's called in the office... again." Carla sighed making my brows furrow in confusion. Since when was she called to the office? I know I'm not always with her but I never saw her engage into a serious fight, not even once.


"You don't know? She's been getting into trouble the past few days with some bullies." She raised her brows at me but it only made my mind messed up even more. She's been in a fight for the past days? How come she hasn't told me about it? She would often tell me everything that happens in her day. Was that the reason why she has a bandage on her arm the other day?


"That's what I heard. Although the bullies are the ones getting beaten up by her." She chuckled which was followed by the one seated beside her.

"She's really scary when she snaps." The other added making me tilt my head in curiosity. So, they've watched her do stuff like that? I know Y/N's a tough girl but she's always so soft around me that it feels like she's a baby so I never expected her to actually beat up someone.

"I know right? But if I'm to choose a side, I'd definitely defend her. It seems like she's defending the ones being bullied again so..." again? So, this didn't just happen once?

"She's always been like that and still ends up in the guidance's office." The other threw me a glance and smiled. "That girl is a pack on her own." She said but I can sense the adoration she has for Y/N and I can tell they have no intention of badmouthing her. It is indeed true that many of the club members respect her.

When the meeting finished, I quickly made my way to the guidance only to find Y/N sitting right outside as if she's waiting for someone.

"Y/N?" She turned her head towards me and for a second, I saw her eyes glimmer in excitement as she flashed a smile my way.

"Oh hey Nichi."

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" I sat beside her but she became suddenly quiet before throwing me a question, as well.

"Are YOU okay?"

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head. Shouldn't I be the one asking her that, though?

"Come on, you don't need to be afraid anymore. Your bestfriend kicked some asses, you know!" She stretched her arms and legs and proudly showed me her arm acting as if she have some muscles. "They won't dare come at you again so you don't have to worry anymore." She smiled and pinched my right cheek.

There was silence for a moment until the door from the office opened, revealing familiar faces. There came out the boys who ganged up on me the other day, knowing I'm not originally from this country. Their eyes widen when they see me and quickly avoided their gazes. I realized what her words meant making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Y/N you..." How did she even know about it?? I never told her about these guys because I didn't want her to worry. She hummed at me in response and I gulp. "Why didn't you tell me?" Does she always do things on her own? She didn't even ask if I would let her handle it by herself. She could've gotten herself into danger!

"What? Do I need permission to protect you? They were hurting you, weren't they? Why aren't you fighting back anyway?" She pouted and I gave her a worried look.

"But you're hurt too and even called into the office."

"That's expected." She only shrugged before adding. "When you protect a certain someone, risks and sacrifices are always on the way. Even if more of the latter is to take, when you succeed in protecting that person, you won't have regrets and you'll realize everything you did was worth it in the end."

Suddenly, remembering that memory of her, I reached out to her arm again, stopping her on her tracks.

"Y/N wait—" However, she swatted my hand causing me to take a step back when she gave me a cold look. The rain had started to pour down rapidly on us and I curse inwardly. Of all times, why now??

"Stay away from me, Sano. I'm trying to fix things. Don't make it worse." She stated and I felt my throat go dry at her words.

I knew it. She's trying to do things in her own way again and alone at that. Trying to fix things? To hell I care if she wanted to fix things. I've hoped to fix us, too. I know I have no right to ask her this and I shouldn't even be but I don't care anymore. I came here with hopes that I can get to her again. That somehow I can manage to touch her heart again. I'm not letting it go just like that when I didn't even get the chance to tell her everything yet.

"Fix? Why don't you try fixing us then?" I saw her eyes widen through the rain but she quickly masked it with a frown. There it is! A reaction from her. She still has it in her, I know. There is still hope for us and I can't let go of it when it's already made its way to me. I want us together again no matter what happened before. And this time, I'm not denying it anymore.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Her tone was low and cold and yet I can hear the trembling of her voice. I took a step towards her, aiming to reach to her once again.

"Us, Y/N. Fix us. Don't you think we're given this opportunity to see each other again to fix everything?" I probably look desperate by now but fuck it. I just want to get this over with. I just want to see and feel that same Y/N again. But to my dismay, it was her cold eyes that stared right back at me emotionlessly.

"There is nothing to fix between us." Removing my hands from her, she took a step back. "I don't want to waste my time fixing something unworthy of my effort." And with that, the rain had totally soaked us in its cold temperature together with the cold behavior she's giving me and the emptiness I'm feeling the moment she spat those words I never wished to hear from her.

"So please... stay away from me."

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