Chapter 29: Hospital

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Spending the night together on a date made the four grow closer to each other especially Shinichiro and Y/N who managed to talk a lot about everything they have missed for the past years. As they walk together, both came across two different paths where they had to split and they waved each other goodbyes.

"You two take care on your way home!!" Rin cheerfully waved with a grin before turning to the raven haired man who smiled at her. "Oi Sano! Take care of my girl." She winked, causing Y/N to shake her head.

"She's my girl but sure." Shinichiro raised his brows with a nod of his head as he slipped an arm around the girl's waist causing her to feel embarrassed when the other pair started snickering.

"Y/N! Message me when you get home! Just to be sure you get in your house this time." The redhead teased making the girl glare at her.

As soon as Rin left with Takeomi who insisted on taking her home, Shinichiro also did the same, offering to drop Y/N home safely when suddenly her phone rang cutting through their comforting silence. Pulling out her phone, she read Akio's name flash on the screen before turning to the boy beside her.

"I need to take this call. Give me a moment." All she could think of is about the gang meeting that Akio attended. After all, she was the one who asked him to give her updates regarding the matter. After getting a response from the raven haired man, she immediately answered the call, placing it against her right ear. "Akio, what's the update?"

It wasn't a surprise for Shinichiro to know that Y/N and Akio have been calling sometimes, knowing the two have a mutual understanding with each other and also the fact that he trusts the girl completely. However the person who responded on the other line made the girl's eyebrows creased in disturbance.


"Yumi-chan? What are you doing with your brother's phone?" Shin's brows shot up at the mention of the name and even mentioned that she's Akio's sister. He never knew about this. Well, not that he's in need of.

"Y/N-nee, we're at the hospital. They said Nii-chan got into a fight. He's not waking up." The little girl sobbed on the other line and Y/N's mind started to cloud with unpleasant thoughts at what could've possibly happened. She can't help but think if it has something to do with her absence in the meeting.

"I-I'll be there, okay? Don't cry. Your brother will be fine." She tried to calm the kid and Shinichiro can't help but perk his ears up in hopes of hearing more of their conversation. "Wait for me, alright?" She netvously added before ending the call.

"What was it?" He asked when he failed to eavesdrop on their convo and Y/N turned to him with a ghosted look as her face was pale and full of worry causing him to be alarmed.

"It's Akio... he's at the hospital."

"Y/N-nee!" Bursting through the entrance, the pair was met with a little brunette rushing towards the girl with eyes filled with tears of worry for her older brother.

Engulfing the kid in her arms, she carried the child who had burried her face on her neck as she sobbed. As soon as they heard the news, the two wasted no time and immediately rushed to the hospital after fetching Y/N's bike from the house. Shinichiro wasn't really comfortable with the thought of letting her go alone at such a late hour and decided to accompany her.

"Yumi-chan, are you alright? Where's Akio?" The six year old kid led them to a room where Akio is in only to find him still unconscious and resting.

The sight of him all beaten up in a hospital bed made Y/N's heart sink, thinking it must've been because she wasn't there with him. The history between her and Akio made her feel the urge to protect him whom she already considered as her friend for being with her all the time. He was what she may consider her partner when it comes to the gang instead of her own division's captain. She would always feel responsible when it comes to fights and seeing his state at the moment, she can't help but feel worse, thinking that she's possibly a reason for him to be like this.

"Hey, are you okay?" Shinichiro asked her worriedly, noticing how the girl kept staring into space with a blank look on her face. He knew immediately that the girl is overthinking things.

"Yes, they said he'll wake up soon." She replied and sat Shinichiro sat beside her outside of Akio's room.

"Are you planning to stay here for the night?" He wanted to distract her mind from thinking the worst and so he tried to engage her into a conversation. She nod her head in response before turning to the entrance of the room where Akio is staying.

"I need to watch over Yumi. She's Akio's little sister. She's been under his care ever since both of their parents divorced. For some personal reasons, Akio himself decided to take her into custody when he was of legal age." It was no surprise to him that she's being this caring towards the siblings. He can clearly see the concern in her sad eyes as she watch the little girl come out of the room.

"I'll stay here with you." He reached out, placing his hand on top of hers making her look at him in surprise and shake her head.

"But you shouldn't exhaust yourself. You'll open your shop tomorrow, right? You'll get sick again if you push yourself too much." The boy could only smile at his lover, thinking how lucky he is to have such a kind hearted woman to capture in his heart.

To think that despite her worries for her friend, she was still able to pay attenttion to others as well, it made him happy inside, knowing no matter how distracted she can be, he would still always be in a part of her mind. He squeezed her hand in assurance and smiled.

"Don't worry, I can manage." He wouldn't want her doing it alone either.

Time passed and Shinichiro was fast to make the kid comfortable with him as they both tried to cheer her up to avoid further worries. It didn't take long before Yumi was already asleep on the seat with her head lying on the sleeping raven haired boy's lap. Startled by the sudden sounds of emergency that passed by them, his eyes fluttered open sleepily and he eyed his surroundings, recalling that he's in the hospital. But the moment his eyes shifted to the person beside him, his face immediately frowned in worry, noticing the time.

"N/N, you should sleep too, you know." Beside him, Y/N is still awake despite the late hour. She blinked, snapping out of her trance and looked apologetically at the guy.

"Sorry. I was just thinking."

"He'll be fine. Don't worry. Here." Pulling her head to rest on his shoulder, he kissed the top of her head. "Just rest up and I'll wake you if something came up, is that fine with you?" Seeing as she has no other reason to decline, she nod her head and closed her eyes, feeling his wamth as he soothe her arm.



"I'm sorry you had to stay too." She genuinely felt bad that he feels the need to stay with her, aware of how she acts in situations like this. She can't really help but overthink things especially when she can't just ignore the unsettling feeling stirring inside of her. Before Shinichiro could even respond, she continued. "But thank you for being here with me."

His frown then turned to a soft smile. Though he was taken aback, he chuckled.

"Always, darling. I promised you, didn't I?" With a soft smile on her face, she snuggled closer to him and tried to keep her mind off things.

The guy who had noticed her struggle immediately thought of humming her a song to sleep as what he would usually do. With a hum, she did fall asleep with the three of them seeming like a family together and Shinichiro who had realized their position can't help but wish for a better future for the two, thinking how it'll be for them to be whole.

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