Chapter 1: Blind Date

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"Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun!" My friend, Suzuki Rin continued to bug me throughout the day. She's been annoying me about her date later tonight and being in the same class as her isn't really helping my peacefulness.

"No, the last time I went thirdwheeling with you and your date, I ended up witnessing some weird ass noises. I am NOT dragging myself into one of those nasty situation ever again." I cringed as I recalled the memory carved into my mind. I only went along with her that time because she felt uneasy about the whole dating a gangster thing but still ended up in that dude's arms at the end of the night.

You can guess what happened next. Of course, they broke up after a few months. And now she's on again for another adventure. Seriously, I don't know anymore if her heart is still alive with how many guys she's been with that ended up leaving her. But who am I to stop her from dating when it is what makes her happy. I'm just here to pull her back if ever she goes too far.

"Ehhhh?! But I told him to bring a friend with him so you'll have your own date, too!" She puckered up her lips into a pout like a little kid as she stomped on the ground. I furrowed my eyebrows at the new information and glared at her.

"Rin, why would you do that? Since when were you in charge of my lovelife?"

"Today!" She grinned at me playfully as if she won something. "Just come, okayyy. You have been stuck with that dumbass ex of yours for the whole time. When do you even plan on getting in a serious relationship?" She crossed her arms, raising a brow my way and I let out a sigh.

It's true I've been in a relationship once but I can't say it's my best experience so as much as I can, I try to avoid anything that relates to something that could potentially break my heart such as loving someone.

"Maybe never, I don't really know." I shrugged before placing my elbow on my desk and looked out the window as I place my chin on my palm, ignoring the class going on.

"Ugh. So stubborn." I heard her mutter with another sigh. "But you can't say to no to this one. I'm picking you up at five!" I can only groan inwardly, knowing she won't drop the subject no matter how many times I say no.

The last subject ended quickly and after attending the club I'm in, I headed back home immediately with Rin continuously reminding me about the date. Now, I'm in my bedroom, standing inside my walk-in closet as I eye my clothes.

"I have no idea what to wear." I mumbled under my breath as I once again pulled another dress only to release another exasperated sigh when I find it too eye catching.

I only wanted some lie low type of outfit for tonight. It's not as if this is a big date for me. I'm just going to accompany my bestfriend but I can't wear something too comfy either or she'll definitely make me change. And no, I am not taking such risks. I wouldn't want her deciding for my outfit as she always ends up choosing something grand looking.

My eyes trailed to a certain dress my brother and I bought the other day. I pulled it into a better view. It's a black strapless dress with long laced bubble sleeves. I slipped into it and stared into my body sized mirror, admiring how it fit my body so well. My eyes soon then landed on my pair of not so high heels and wore it afterwards.

"Maybe this'll do?" I spoke more to myself as I twirl around, trying to get a better view of my fit in the mirror.

I quickly fixed my hair, braiding a partial at the left side of my head and securing it with a black ribbon to match my dress. With a final touch of light makeup, I heard the doorbell ring indicating Rin's arrival. I grabbed my sling bag and went downstairs to inform my mother and brother with his wife of my leave as I kiss my nephew a goodbye on his forehead.

As I open the door, Rin looked me up and down with a satisfied smirk on her face. She's wearing a light yellow colored dress that complimented her skin color. It is a spaghetti strap dress that reached the same length as mine that hugged her body shape very well with its side scrunched up in a ruched form revealing a slit on her thigh. It fit her beautifully and she looked so cheerful as ever. Seeing the two of us together, we looked more like the popular lively girl and the emo one.

"Is it even possible to look cute and ravishing at the same time?" She bit her lip as she wiggle her eyebrows at me and I glare at her.

"Don't even start." I closed the door behind me as we walked to her car.

"And here I thought you don't wanna go." She chuckled as I fix my hair to the side.

"Well if you prefer, I can always switch into some baggy clothing for a date night." I attempted to turn around back to the entrance and she immediately grabbed my arm.


We've reached the place where we're supposed to meet the guys we're supposed to have a date with. However, it's been thirty minutes already and I'm starting to lose patience seeing as they're not here yet.

"Who are we even waiting for?" I tapped my foot on the ground in an irritated manner but Rin only turned to me with a huge grin on her face as if her excitement hasn't decreased a bit despite how the impoliteness of the man.

"His name is Takeomi. Akashi Takeomi. I don't know his friend's name though." The moment she said that, a voice then was heard and we turn our heads to the side to see two men approaching us.

"Suzuki!!" The long haired one walked in a fast manner towards us, waving his hand in the air in a cheerful manner. "I'm sorry we're late!" He huffed and I wasn't able to keep my irritation to myself as I suddenly mumble my thoughts out loud.

"Wow, so much for the first impression." I only realized it when Rin had nudged my side. The boy in front of us chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"My friend had to close his shop first so..." He threw us an apologetic look which Rin replied with a forgiving response. The man turned to look at me with a smile. "You must be Suzuki's friend. I'm Akashi Takeomi and this is Sano Shinichiro, your supposed to be blind date." He pulled the tall guy that stood behind him the whole time, looking shy. He wore a white shirt underneath his black outwear that matched his casual look.

However, my mind was clouded of thoughts for a moment, trying to remember the guy standing in front of me. His hair was no longer in its usual neatly styled pompadour, instead it now covered his forehead as it was longer than before. Those pitch black hair and eyes that stare boringly at anything but the moment we met each other's gaze, it widen together with mine.

"Sano... Shinichiro?"

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