Page Sixty-One :

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I woke up around three am in a bit of pain...I opened my eyes and looked around my room...I spotted Papa laying on a futon in the right side of the room near the window with Dad behind him...I smiled softly.

I heard a soft and tiny whine coming from my left...I slowly moved my head in that direction until my eyes landed on My Alpha who was quietly rocking a very fussy Rory.

He noticed that I was awake and began to croon "Hey love...sorry if we woke you" he whispered while softly kissing our son's hair...I giggled quietly and shook my head "You didn't wake me Kacchan..." he sat down in the rocking chair by my bed and carefully placed the baby on his chest as he rubbed his back.

I ruffled around my blanked and sheet until I found the remote for my bed...I pressed the button to position myself so I was sitting "Have you rested at all Kacchan?" I asked as I sat the remote down and got comfortable "Nah...I've been up all night watching Rory sleep...his eye only opened a few times..." he rambled with a wide smile on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh at how excited he was "What color are his eyes?" I asked while running my hands over my stomach softly...he moved the small blanket from his shoulder and planted It on the baby as he scented him "They're a bit splotish right now...give It some time..." he said while rubbing his thumb over his eyes.


We spent a good half an hour talking until Kacchan brought Rory over to me "I'm going to use the bathroom...have a whiff of his scent" he chuckled as he places my precious bean in my arms "Hi love...I am so happy to finally hold you...Your dad is a hog" I chirped as I nuzzled my nose against his soft chubby cheek.

I found his tiny scent glands and rubbed my nose against It "You smell like daddy...and... honeysuckle..." I whispered...I tried to inhale more of my son's scent until Kacchan came from the bathroom and scooped him from my arms "Wha- Kacchan...I was..." I pouted my lips as he gave me that stupid ass smirk of his "Nope...I'll be doing the holding for now...I refuse to let the nurses take him to the nursery" he scuffed and went back to rocking the baby.

𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹

I must have falling asleep while watching Kacchan rock a sleeping and purring Rory because when I opened my eyes again the sun was beaming through the wide window.

I heard a knock on the door and watched a very excited Kirishima peak his head in "Good morning are you feeling?" he asked me as he took a seat by the bathroom door.

Kacchan came in next with Rory in his arms "He really does sleep in your arms..." I said as I pushed the button to reposition my bed so I could sit up...he sat down in the rocking chair while fixing the tiny Ground Zero hat on my beans small head "Right where he belongs...I don't trust these extras with my pup" he smiled once the baby started to move around in his arms.


As the day went on Kacchan...Rory and I had a few more visitors...Vincent who took the day off of work today so he could spend It with me...and some of Kacchan's work friends decided to visit us even though they didn't really speak to me and continued to give Kacchan most of their attention...but who am I to complain.

Kiri noticed this and immediately went in to defend me...he explained to them that It was rude to be in a patients space and not acknowledge them "It's ok Kiri...I understand they want to spend time with Kacchan...I need to use the restroom...can you help me?" I asked as I sat up and slowly began to stand up.

He helped me move over to the bathroom and stood by the door until I was done 'I'm not gonna lie...It's pissing me off how they can swoon over my pup but refuse to speak to me' I thought as I sat down after I grabbing a blanket and placing It over my shoulder "Kacchan I can take him while you and YOUR friends go talk out in the hallway or waiting room" I said as I got a bit more comfortable.

He placed Rory in my arms and pushed everyone out...well everyone beside Kirishima "Sorry about them being rude...I'm sure he'll talk to them" he apologized for the others while pulling my blanket over us.

I shook my head and smiled "I'm guessing they know about what my job they don't believe that I deserve to be with the number one hero..." I explained while scenting my bean as he purred softly.



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