Page Four :

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Sunday morning arrived and I couldn't seem to function properly...I almost slipped in the bathroom while trying to wash my face...I almost burned my breakfast while over pouring my ice coffee in my nerves were on overdrive and I blamed It all on one person...Katsuki Bakugou.

The asshole who made my childhood unbearably dry because he had a damn quirk and he was an Alpha meanwhile there I was...this innocent little bean who was born quirkless and my second gender just so happened to be an omega.

The kids in grade school felt like I didn't belong...and Katsuki was the main one "And here he is asking me out on a damn date.." I whisperedto myself 'But you agreed to even picked the day' I shook my head and placed my plate on the coffee table before turning the TV on.


I finished eating and cleaned my dishes right before I heard my phone ring...I glanced at the screen and saw that It was the one person on my mind...I let It ring a few seconds before I picked up "Hello?" He seemed a bit nervous before he spoke "Good morning Izuku...I know It's way to early for me to be calling you when our date isn't until this evening...I just...I wanted to hear your voice..." he explained.

I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming because the Katsuki I knew was never this soft or caring " I-I mean I was just finishing breakfast while watching the News..." I said as I went and sat back down "...Do you still write down hero analysis in those notebooks like you used to do in middle school? " He asked me and I instantly began to beam.

I haven't written in years but now that I personally know the number one hero I can start "Well...I haven't in a long time no...I've been busy surviving so...but I'm sure whatever info I had on you is now outdated" I smirked when I heard him chuckle.


Our conversation went on for about a half in hour before he said he had to go... something about someone he calls Shitty Hair had shown up at his place uninvited...after we hung up I went to my closet to see what I should wear for our date.

He said dress casual and comfortable so...I went for a pair of grey skinny jeans...a white slim short sleeve button up shirt with a grey vest and a pair of grey Levi Miles sneakers...Once I had everything laid out on my bed I went back to the living room to watch TV.


By noon I was finishing up my weekend the bathroom...the room...and then my bedroom...once I was done I took a warm shower to get ready 'Dammit today is just....moving so...slow 'I thought as I washed my green curls and then moved down to my body.


I rinsed myself off and then turned off the water "I wonder what Vincent is up too...probably at The Club no doubt..." I smiled when I thought of my friend...I met Vincent on my first day of high school and we seemed to hit It off right away...we've been close ever since.


Four thirty pm was now here and I couldn't stop my legs from shaking so damn much...I was dressed and ready to go 'Izuku...Fucking...get It together' I slowly took a few deep breathes before I heard my intercom buzzing from beside my apartment door...I went and pressed the button to call down to the front entrance "...K-Kacchan..." I spoke softly through the speaker.

I released the button and waited for his response "Hey Izuku...should I come up? Or..." I looked at my place and then took another deep breathe "S-sure...I'll buzz you in...I'm on the second floor apartment three..." I said before I pushed the button and unlocked my apartment door for him.

He tapped the door twice before I gave the ok for him to enter...when he did inner omega went berserk...for me that was unusual because It's never happened before "oh hey Kacchan...Y-you definitely don't look the same" I smiled awkwardly before standing up 'Damn...he is breathtaking...' I found myself purring over him the moment he stepped in front of me.



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