Chapter Six : Home Sweet Home ~BUNNY~

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The next morning was unbelievably pleasant for Izuku...he woke up being held by his mate and he didn't have the unwanted urge to vomit the delicious food he had eaten the day before...he turned his head around to look for Katsuki "Good morning'd you sleep" he blushed while remembering the events from the evening before.

Izuku shifted around about "I slept pretty good...I have to pee though" he smiled while sliding out of the Alpha's protective arms...when he returned Katsuki was still laying in bed with his eyes closed...he could hear the larger male crooning loudly while he released soothing pheromones in the air.

He stood in the bathroom doorway lost in a trance...he allowed his eyes to roam over his boyfriends broad shoulders and his toned and chiseled chest and stomach...he blushed hard once his eyes landed on the bulge that wasn't hard but still had a noticeable girth to It hiding underneath It's owners thin pajama pants...he gulped before taking a deep breath as he tried to will away the butterflies in his stomach.



Sometime this morning I managed to fall backs to sleep in Kacchan's arms...It was quite peaceful and lovely...I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes with a big yawn "Kacchan?" I called out for him but I didn't get an answer so I glanced at the clock "It's mid afternoon already...he must've went to work" I whispered as I climbed out of bed and made my way over to the door.

I stopped before my hand could touched the doorknob...I could smell another's scent...It wasn't as strong as an omega or another Alpha so I assumed It was a beta 'Someone broke in...shit...I need to call Kacchan' I was in a state of panic as I searched for my phone but then I remembered that It was in the damn kitchen on It's charger "Fucking dammit...why do I always leave It there..." I cursed myself in a whisper before I slowly twisted the knob open.

What I heard damn near made me faint...I kept my composure as I entered the hallway and made my way towards the kitchen "Katsuki..." I heard just before rounding the wall that separated the dining room from the living room 'Please...please not again...' I took a deep breathe and said a silent prayer before stepping into the living room.

My heart shattered into pieces as I watched My Alpha underneath the women that showed up here a while ago asking to speak with him and now they're fucking making out in the living mind went blink before I was finally able to speak "I can't believe you..." I said and turned around grabbing my phone and rushing towards our-his bedroom.


I opened the closet door and grabbed my duffel bags before opening them and laying them on the bed...I heard his loud footsteps nearing the bedroom but I didn't flinch because I locked It when I ran inside "Izuku? open the door and let me explain" he says but I didn't bother listening to the rest of his lies.

I gathered all of my clothes and most of my nesting materials before shoving everything into my bags "Please baby...please...let me explain" he ranted " to think of a good enough excuse to tell me" I retort as I pulled on my leggings and a white shirt and then my Aizawa Plus Ultra slides.

Everything became quiet on the other side of the door so I assumed what I said was correct...He needed time to come up with some good excuse...once I had everything together I turned my phone on and called papa.


I explained to him that I needed to come home for a short visit and that I needed a ride there "Of course Izuku...I'll come and get you" he said through the receiver...I gave him Kac-Katsuki's address and said that I'll be waiting outside for him "Alright there soon" he said before we ended the call.

I hesitated at first but then I quickly recovered...I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway "Please don't do this Izuku...we need to I swear It wasn't what It looked lik-" I cut him off by stepping around him and making my way towards the front door.


He followed close behind while trying to get me to listen to him but I'm just like the pro hero who raised me 'Stubborn and Hardheaded' I opened the door and tossed my bagged on the steps to the front porch and sat down beside them "Izuku...are you serious right now? Your really leaving without allowing me to talk and to explain what happened?" He asked but I shrugged It off and continued to wait for papa "Dammit Izuku Midoriya-" I cut him off by shaking my head.

I sighed loudly "My name isn't Izuku Midoriya..." he stepped down and stood in front of me "What? What do you mean?" He asked "I said that's not my name..." He gave me a confused look before I sighed again "It's Izuku Aizawa..." I confessed before trailing my eyes down the street " in Shouta Aizawa? As in the retired underground pro hero?" He asked me and I nodded just before I heard a loud horn.



His Omega ~BUNNY~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu