Chapter 1 - Sweater

Start from the beginning

The Scotch Household. A family that holds the title of a Marquis and has one of the biggest influences in the kingdom right after the House of Masters and the Sentinio Dukedom.

They own several mines across the kingdom which holds partly a huge source of wealth for the entire land and contributes a big amount to the treasury of the palace.

"Talking about winter nights, I recall it is the time for kingdom's feast, your highness?" She asked midway of her talking with the Crown Prince and Asher had a surprised look on his face.

Elena smiled elegantly as she saw the look on the Crown Prince's face.

She was proud of herself that she was able to recite a certain event that occurs in the kingdom every year when winter comes.

Winter night celebrations are feasts held across the entire kingdom for consecutive days. People would celebrate their good harvest while they sat inside their homes at night and come out in the evening to celebrate on the streets.

It is a celebration indulged by everyone and the Royal Family's announcements will soon be heard throughout the land.

However, something different was running across the Crown Prince's mind.

He clenched his hands lightly as he stared far back at the distance.

The winter night celebrations also made him remember something.

It was the time of the year where Pier Belmiunde would announce his devotion for the Crown Prince and offer him many things.

Asher remembered how embarrassed he was on the previous years whenever the winter nights came because Pier Belmiunde would always disturb him and aimlessly go around the palace telling and showing people about his weird gifts for him.

He chuckled as he remembered a certain memory of a younger Pier holding a knitted sweater that couldn't even be called a sweater in the first place.


"Asher!"  Pier called to the Crown Prince as he trudged inside the palace holding a bundle of cloth in his hands.

Asher turned his head to look at Pier and he grimaced when he saw the different colors of the threads that were in Pier's arms.

"Asherrr!" Pier called again in a loud voice and every servant who heard the young master's calls turned their heads as well.

Asher quickly scrammed to hide behind a servant who was holding a plate filled with pastries.

They were currently inside the palace's throne room and Asher was waiting for the King since they needed to talk about their preparations for the winter night celebrations.

Asher Lumiere was already trained by the king since he was able to walk and speak.



Human Relations



All of the things that were needed to be taught for a prince had been given early to him. That made him an outstanding prince even amongst the other princes of their neighboring kingdoms.

"Have you seen Asher?" He heard Pier ask one of the servants that was serving tea on the table. 

He sent the servant a very small portion of his magic as the next ruler and the woman immediately knew what the Crown Prince had meant.

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