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"Did you tell your father about your marks?" your mother asked you quietly.

You shook your head, "no..."

"He was asking about it in -"

"Y/n." Your father called out from the other side of the room.

"Yes?" you asked nervously.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I don't -"

Your mother slapped your hand lightly.
You walked to your father's study room. He was reading a journal from his work.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He repeated the question again.

You didn't say anything. Without lifting his head he looked at you.
You stood there awkwardly near the door, later turning on your heels and running back to your room.

"Took you long enough," he mumbled behind you.

You came back with your answer scripts and report card laying it all down on his table.

"What's your rank?" He asked studying your report card.

"That I don't know father," you stammered.

He raised an eyebrow," and your percentage?"


"And what happened to the rest 3%?"

"Let it be," your mom walked in. "She will do it next time."

"She will do it that I know, but when?"

You stood there with your head down. You were ashamed of yourself that you had failed him, that you couldn't meet his expectations.

Your mother walked up to him and kept her hand on his, "let it go," she pleaded.

She had a way of doing things after all she was a psychiatrist and your father, a lawyer.


The next day, to make matters worse your parents were called in by the principal.

"Come in Mr and Mrs L/n, have a seat."

Your parents sat down on the chairs in front of the principal with you standing beside them.

"Y/n here," he began. "Is an excellent student, she is very brave that I can tell you."

Ugh, get to the point.

"She is good at sports and everything but her marks."

Your parents looked at each other.

Here we go again another lecture.

"-it's not bad," he started. "But it can be better."

"That's what I've been saying," your father confirmed.

Your mother gave him a don't - start - this - again look, "I'm sorry to interrupt but what are you trying to say."

He cleared his throat, "I'm trying to say that she has great potential and if she works hard she can do much better and hopefully get a scholarship."

"So what's stopping her?" Your father asked.

"I called you here to ask you two the same question."

"I'm sure y/n is doing everything she can here," your mother proclaimed.

"I don't think she is," your father looked at you. "She is clearly distracted-"

"Can you stop making a scene here?"

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