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Menma tossed the ball to her.

It was six in the morning, you were in school practising.

The inter-high volleyball tournament was beginning from next week. Both the teams (boys and girls) were working their asses off.

You and Oikawa hardly hung out now. Both of you were busy practising with your teams.

Staying late after club hours- until someone threw you out and coming to school early.

There was just one rule. If your grades weren't up to the mark then you wouldn't be allowed to even participate in the tournament.

It has been over two weeks since the examinations. Today, the answer scripts were going to be returned.

"It's 8:15 now, lets catch up on this during lunch," said Menma.

You collect your bag and walk out towards the club room. On your way out you meet Oikawa and Iwaizumi.

At first, you get all conscious about your body sweating, then you notice he too is sweating like a pig.

"So are you excited?"

"About what?" you asked.

"The upcoming tournament," Iwaizumi cut in.

"Yes I am excited but-"

"-worried at the same time." Oikawa finished. "It's going to be okay Y/n chan shake it off."

"I wish I could." You were worried.

You played volleyball for fun it was kind of like one of your hobbies, you played it for entertainment but now it's all about winning.

I like the idea of us working hard and winning and going to the nationals but honestly, I don't think that's what I want.

Menma, Oikawa and everyone worked so hard to be where they are right now and they deserve it cause that's what they want to do in their future but that's not the future that you want for yourself.

But because of your selfish needs, you were not going to take the whole team down.

You promised yourself that you will give your 100% in the game. You are not going to abandon them.

"It's going to be okay," Hajime patted your shoulder. "Don't stress about it."

Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi's hand on your shoulder then him and then on your shoulder again.

He pushed his arm away and side hugged you.

"I'm sure Y/n chan will be alright."

Iwaizumi looked so pissed at Oikawa like he could kill him but he did not want to show that dangerous side of his in front of you.

Iwaizumi is usually a big softie around you. He doesn't take shit from anyone but you.

He felt like he needed to protect you that it was his duty to take care of you.

He promised himself that he will make Oikawa pay for what he did when they are alone.

It felt strange when Oikawa hugged you. It almost felt like he was jealous. But why?

"For once in your life can you leave her alone," Menma pulled you away from Oikawa.

"Hey!" Oikawa shouted in a high pitched voice like something precious was taken away from him.

"The answer scripts are going to be shown in the first period, I don't want her to be late because of you."

She took your hand dragging you towards the club room.

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