Rule The Court

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You stand in front of the bathroom mirror for nearly fifteen minutes looking into nothingness.

You examine some of the shelves and make comments based on your choice of products.

Before heading out you wash your face with cold water and gently wipe it with a towel. You apply some moisturiser kept on the shelf of his mother's.

Finally, you come out of the bathroom to see the same shit happening again.

You see those two lovebirds snuggled up against each other, whispering and looking passionately into each other's eyes.

You stand there all agitated and confused. A memory flashes in front of you.

'Mai," you blush every time you see him."
Sakura, "is it maybe because you like him?"'

"Dude don't do all that in front of us". That voice brings you back to reality.

"Get a room," says one of the members to Oikawa.

They start whispering something into each other's ears and she starts giggling.  Just the sight of it makes you sick and you head back inside again.

You lay down on the sofa in the living room with a cushion upon your face. You stay that way for a few minutes when you hear footsteps and people giggling.

You look up to see those two familiar faces again.

"Oh, it's you," she grumbles with an irritated look. "Let's go Tooru kun to my place."

He slowly nods his head, you get up to leave when- he holds your hand.

"What the hell?" you hear his girlfriend say.

"Y/N stay, we were the ones intruding in your space." He said.

You look at him and then your hand, he follows your gaze, realises and leaves.

You feel a sense of loss when he lets go of your hand.

He waves at you on the way out.

You stand there, all agitated and confused.

"I don't like this. Why do I feel so flustered?" You whisper.

That night as you lay in your bed lost in your thoughts you text Hajime," can you help me with practice?"

He texts you back instantly with a smiley face emoji and demands you to sleep.

You smile at your phone and try to sleep.

After what seemed like hours of staring into the ceiling you finally fell asleep.

The next day you make your way to the school gym in your jersey and shorts.

"You are late." Iwaizumi is already there.

"Sorry I slept in."

He looks at you with piercing eyes. You understand that when it comes to playing volleyball he doesn't like to joke around.

"I'm sorry," you say it sincerely this time.

"First let's learn a few serves okay?" he says. 

You nod holding a ball between your hands.

He teaches you a few spikes and serves.

It has been hours both of you are sweating like a pig you cannot figure out what time it is. 

It was five-thirty when you first showed up but now you don't know.

"No, you are doing it wrong!" He shouts, "Again..............again........yes....nooo.....yes..............again."

To pull you out of your misery the gym door opens, "Iwa-chan there you are, class is about to begin." It's Tooru. " wait you are practising? It's Monday."

He then looks at you, "oh, I can help too you know." He smiles.

Iwaizumi ignores him and looks at you,
"We'll catch up on it tomorrow." He smiles.

Wow, he's back to normal, you thought but deep down you know that whatever he's doing is for your own good and even you too want to get better and not make a fool of yourself.

After collecting and keeping all the balls back in their place you go to get your bag.

"Y/N," it's Iwaizumi, "I know I was a bit rough today I'm sorry."

You assure him that it's alright and thank him for helping you out.

You were on your way to the club room when Oikawa stops you and says, "Y/N what are you doing this weekend?"

"Not that I know of, why?" You asked.

You get to know that he wants some suggestions on what to gift his girlfriend, on her birthday.

"Give her something special. I don't know her personally so I don't know."

"Yeah like, what? can you explain," he asked? You brush off the question and leave.
"U-umm okay, see you in class," he called out.

You had no idea what he was talking about and you didn't have the energy to go back and ask.

You walk up to the club room and lock the door behind you. You stand there leaning against the door.

The world around you seems to fade away and everything seemed dark and cold.

You did not realise you were crying. Those words (maybe because you like him) kept repeating inside your head.

God, you wished you had thought this through before falling for him.

You couldn't figure out why you felt so flustered. Nothing ever happened between the two of you.

You were just casual friends it's not like anything was ever going to happen. 

But it would have been fun if he would have been the one.

But he wasn't yours to lose. He would never be, he belonged to someone else.

That's foolish to think that he would ever fall for somebody like me. Right?

You walk up to the washroom and get freshen up before changing back into your school uniform.

You let your hair down this time, you did not have the strength to do anything, you slowly walk out of the club room and start walking towards your class.

"Why do I feel so flustered, Why does my chest feel so heavy?" you whisper these words under your breath.

It felt like you have known him forever or so you believed.

You know when you're with someone and things aren't right? But you're afraid to ask because the answer might be worse than the feeling right now.

"I gotta push these feelings away. I will work hard. I will work just as hard as he does and reach my dream."


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