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"Are you ready?"

He rests his hands on your desk.

"For what?" You stop writing looking up at him.

He takes a moment, "don't you remember?"

Is it something important? I wonder what might that be.

When you didn't say anything he started.

"I knew you would forget," he sighed. "Tonight is the festival."

"Now I remember," you clapped your hands getting up from your chair.

"-because I told you."

"Shhh," you shrug off his reply.

"What should I wear?"

"-I don't know, wear anything it's fine."

You start shaking him.

"I don't have anything to wear," you cried.

He rests his hands on yours, "it's fine y/n chan wear normal jeans and top. It doesn't matter as long as you're with me."

He was smiling.

"That's really sweet but I really need something to wear-something nice!"

"Y/n chan-"

"-What time does it start?"

"Uh-s- six."

You look at your phone.

"Great I have nearly," you study your phone. "one and a half hours to find something to wear."

You grab your books from the desk, throwing them all inside your bag. Running your way out the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" he called out.

"Home. I'm sorry I won't be there for your practice today, bye!"

"Ummm bye-bye," he whispered to himself.

Back in your room, you search your entire closet to find something appropriate to wear for the festival.

"Nothing," you throw a piece of garment on the floor. "Nothing nothing nothing!"

Failing to find anything you lay down on your bed.

"Y/n have you seen my-" your mum enters the room. "What on earth is happening here?"

"Mom," you sit up crying.

"What's wrong?" she walks towards you.

"I have nothing to wear for the festival," you sobbed.
"Oh honey," she sits beside you. "Did you forget about the kimono your father and I gifted you on your birthday?"

"That dress?"

She shakes her head, "no honey it's not a dress. It's a kimono."

You run to open the closet drawer. You carefully take out the packed garment, sitting back on the bed again.

"Wow, it's the same since the day we gave you."

You laughed nervously you never actually tried it on.

Carefully, you unstuck the tape around the edges and peeled away the paper so that the garment slipped out, perfectly folded, on to the bed. You unfurled it. It was structured but delicate, made from light gold silk that fell in soft waves, and adorned with beautiful patterns that reminded of morning sunlight.

You brushed your fingers along the thin straps and felt the dress slightly curved in around the waist.

"Thank you mum it's so beautiful, I'm definitely going to wear it this time," you soothed.

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