Oikawa Tooru

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The next day you headed to school quite early, you didn't want to rush everything like the first day.

Luckily you made it to school too early, there was no one around, or so you thought.

As you passed from empty corridors you heard the sound of squeaking and bouncing of balls from the gym. You decided to sneak a peek from the window.

There were four people inside and you recognised two of them instantly. It was Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

The other two were probably second years or first years, who knew.

Oikawa and Iwa were practising and the libero was trying to block it and the other was doing warmups.

Oikawa looks so focused when he's practising, you wondered.

"Hey what are you looking at?"

The voice made you jump a little as you turned to see two boys, younger than you probably first years standing near the exit door.

As soon as he saw you the guy who looked like an onion head started bowing, "I am so sorry I did not realise you were a third year."

You laughed nervously and told him it was okay.

"It's okay I was just looking around," you said and you left.

The rest of the day passed, just a few more minutes and it would be time for lunch.

You looked out the window and up in the sky. The weather was gloomy it was going to rain. You wish you had bought an umbrella.

You looked at the blank sheet in front of you and you started drawing. You were so engrossed in your work that you didn't pay attention to all the murmuring or gasping the girls made.


You looked over your shoulder it was Iwaizumi. He looked at you and smiled.

So he is the reason all the girls have lost it, you thought.

"Okay come let's go," he said.


"You forgot you have to sign in for volleyball club."

"Do I have to?"

"Hey, this whole operation was your idea," he pulled you out of your chair, takes your hand and leaves the classroom.

You both walk down in the hallway side by side he talks about all the various requirements for signing up for the club.

He walked you into his class and up to a tall girl who was busy writing notes.

"Oi Menma my friend here wants to join your volleyball club, are you still taking in any new members?"

She looks up at the two of you and says, "Have you ever played volleyball in middle school?

"Umm.." You look at Iwa. He smiles at you.

So I'm seriously doing this, "yes I was even a member in my previous school."

"We do not take new members on the basis of recommendation, we will see your skills."

"Come to the gym during lunch," she says and goes back to copying notes.

You and Iwaizumi both look at each other, turn around and leave. Iwaizumi escorts you back to your class. You both walk down the hallway in silence.

"So about the club-"

"Can you help me with a few sums?" You ask him instead.


"Do you have a pen?" you ask him.

"Where's yours?" He asks but still lends you one, he rests one hand on your chair and the other on the desk while you start copying the questions.

"Iwa-chan! There you are, can you lend me some money I'm hungry."

You look up and it's Tooru Oikawa.

You didn't know how to react he is so pretty.

But you didn't have time for it your assignment was due this afternoon.

"Where is your money!?" Iwaizumi shouted.

"It's all over I will return it to you....someday," he laughed nervously.

Hesitatingly Iwaizumi gave him the money.

"Thank you I know I can always count on you." He smiled.

"Hmm?" He bent down to get a closer look at you.

When you looked up you were surprised at how close to your face he was. You moved your head back and he straightened back up.

"I knew I have seen you somewhere," he said, "you are the girl I bumped into the other day, the shadow girl!"

"What?" You sounded confused.

"Quit it! stop flirting." Said Iwaizumi, irritated.

"Hey!" Oikawa sounded offended.

He cleared his throat and spoke again, "I saw you, the other night I wanted to apologise if I scared you but you started running as soon as you saw me."

You didn't mean to, but you banged your hands on the desk as you stood up," it was you!" "You are that shadow."

'What shadow?" Iwaizumi sounded confused.

"I don't understand why did you run." He asked.

"Because you scared the hell out of me!"

"-I'm so confused right now," said Iwa.

"I didn't mean to!"

"Well, but you did!" You said.

"-Hey what the hell is going on here will someone care to tell me!"

You both look at Iwaizumi who was looking at you.

"You see Iwa-chan, unfortunately, we ran into each other last night," said Oikawa.

"Because of you, I got knocked down." You hissed.

"Wait so he's the cat?" Asked Iwa.

"Cat?" cut in Tooru.

Your cheeks flushed red as you looked at Iwaizumi with disapproval.

"Let me guess you told him you got hurt while helping a cat?"

You felt so embarrassed at that moment.

Iwaizumi felt the tension and asked Oikawa what's going on.

Oikawa looked at you for a moment then took a deep breath and said, "Remember I told you I will lock up the club room after I am done with practising." He asked Iwaizumi.

"So after practice, I was on my way home. Then I saw her." He looked at you. "She looked terrified so I thought of helping her but as I drew closer she got scared and started running. I was worried so I ran after her but then I saw her on the ground I -" he stopped and looked at you then continued.

"-tried to help her get up but she pushed me and started running again."

Later you told them your part of the story.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," smiled Tooru apologetically.

"It's okay."

"Okay then gotta go bye Iwa-chan," he looked at you.


He smiled, "bye Y/N, I'll see you around."

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