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"Okay, class turn to page 324," said the teacher gently tapping you to go back to your seat.

That was so weird, you thought as you walked back.

"Oi Y/N" A girl sitting beside you whispered. "It's nice to meet you I'm Aika, Aika Shirai."

Aika was a small girl, long blonde hair with an average height

"Hello", you smiled back.


It was a free period you noticed two girls coming towards you but before them, Aika stood in front of you.

"You look so different you even have a different name no wonder you are not from around here," said Aika.

You laughed nervously," yeah that's right."

"So say wanna hang out?"

"S-sure," you smiled.

"Anyways, if you ever need help with anything feel free to ask me, I'll be your guide," she smiled.

"Hey Y/N."

You looked up and noticed the two girls from earlier are standing in front of you.

"Sakura, Mai I didn't notice you were here," said Aika.

"We saw you talking to her earlier so we thought why don't we join in too," one of them replied.

The two girls were taller than you and Aika both of them had dark hair with big brown eyes, they looked pretty.
The one with the short hair held out her hand and smiled, "I'm Mai."
You took her hand, it was firm but soft and warm at the same time.
If this was Mai then the other one must be Sakura you thought.

At first, you thought it would be difficult for you to get along but it wasn't like that at all before you know it a lot of friendly faces were coming up to you and interacting with you.
Aika, Sakura and Mai told you everything starting from school drama and the guy most of the girls have a crush on.

"He's so hot," said Mai.

"One time I made cookies for him and he ate it!" said Sakura.

"I heard he has a girlfriend," cried Aika.

The rest of them sighed and agreed to her.

"Is he that good looking that all the girls have a crush on him?" you asked.

"Yes!" All of them answered at the same time.

"Wow, I had no idea, his girlfriend must be pretty then."

"Yes," they cried at the same time.

You didn't know what else to say, you wanted to make them feel good so you said, "don't worry there is plenty of fish in the sea." As soon as you said it you realised that they don't talk like that here.

"The sea is full of trash Y/N!" said Sakura.

"And Tooru is the only golden fish we want." Said Mai.

"But all of you can't have him," You said.

"We know that," both of them replied.

"I bumped into a pretty good looking guy on my way to class today too," you lied.

(You obviously didn't want people to know the real truth)

"Whoever he was I can bet he is not as handsome as Oikawa," Sakura cut in.

"I don't know he seemed pretty good looking to me," you replied.

"Let's change the topic", laughed Aika. "You know Seijoh's ace is hot too."

"Who is he?" You asked.

"Hajime Iwaizumi."

"Wait Hajime is the ace?"

"He sure is, why is something wrong?"

"I didn't know he was so good in volleyball," you said.

"Hey what is that supposed to mean!" Mai felt offended.

"No no, it's not that", you laughed nervously "it's just, Iwa is a family friend".


"Well, you see when my family shifted here we knew Iwa was in this school that's why I came here but sadly we were put in different sections".

"Why didn't you say that earlier silly," asked Aika.

"I didn't know he was so famous".

"Well, duh he is", said Mai.

" He is Tooru Oikawa's best friend," announced Aika.

"You didn't meet him till now?" asked Sakura.

" I am meeting him after school so I thought-"

"-no you are meeting him now and you are introducing us as your friends too." Sakura takes your hand and all four of you leave the room.


Class 6

You look up on the door and see the class and section you assume this must be his class, as they take you inside even though you hesitated.

There's a crowd gathered in front of the teacher's desk and on the board, it's written 'Wrist Match'.
The crowd was chanting Iwaizumi's name. Soon all four of you become a part of the crowd you heard someone say, "Woah Mad dog is totally gonna lose."

"Mad dog?" Funny name.

That's when you see him, Iwaizumi. He had his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders in neat folds. You wondered who did it cause it didn't seem like he could do it by himself.

It's your first time seeing him after so many years and you just shifted yesterday so you didn't have time to catch up with him.

Oh God, it has been years since I last saw him we were so little then, I only have a good relationship with his mom I have no idea how he's going to react when he sees me, you thought. All these thoughts made you feel like you were standing on a battlefield with the enemy charging towards you. The thought of it made you more terrified.

Mai pushes you from behind, "Go on speak to him."

"Iwaizumi!" Sakura calls out.

"Damn it," you whisper under your breath.

He looks up at the four of you. "Yes?"

You open your mouth to speak, nothing comes out, you take a deep breath and try again.

"Hey Iwaizumi how are you, it's been a while." You say nervously.

What am I so worried about? He's my friend of course he remembers me you thought.

He looks at you for a brief moment not saying anything.

After a moment he asks, "I am sorry but do I know you?"

I am sorry this chapter's short again. ✍💭

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