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Today is the day the Inter-high volleyball tournament preliminaries will commence.
Both the teams have practised really hard for this day.

Today whichever team wins will be going to the finals who will go to the nationals.

If you lose even one match you would be disqualified. It was a do or die situation.

Aika, Sakura and Mai couldn't come to see you play for they had school but they promised that they will be cheering for you no matter what.

"Don't worry we know you will survive," Aika said before you left for the match in the morning.

"Just take care of yourself and hit as many spikes as you can."

You arrived at Sendai City Gymnasium at exactly 9 'O'clock.

The match was about to begin at ten. Both the Aoba Johsai's teams were there.

You stood with your teammates talking strategy.

Everyone was pretty much doing the same.

Oikawa came up to you.

"Y/n chan."


He blushed a little then spoke, "I wanted you to know that I will be thinking about you."

"Really?" You did not want to sound stupid but that came out of your mouth before you could say anything.

"Yes," he grinned.

Aww, what should I do right now? Should I say the same or say thank you?
"I don't know what to say," you didn't mean it to come out that straightforward.

"Then don't," he smiled, if he felt offended he wouldn't show.

"-but," you cut in. "I like the idea of you thinking about me which will remind me to think about you too."

"You are so compelling," he laughed.

"How does that make me compelling?" You demanded.

"It's -"

A ball came flying towards his head knocking him out for a moment.

"-what the hell even the coach doesn't hit me!" He cried.

Ohh. It was Iwaizumi.

"Get your ass over here shittykawa."

"Could you please stop doing that," he said softly walking back to his team.


You didn't see Oikawa or his team after that. You both had matches in different courts.

Your first match was against Karasuno. You haven't heard much about their team except the famous tiny giant was from their school. 

But that didn't prove anything right? They were different teams.

The tiny giant was from the boys and no one knew how the girls played.

Aoba Johsai never played even one practice match with the girls Karasuno so no one knew their tactics.

They looked intimidating especially their captain.

The first set was a little difficult. You were nervous which affected the game.

"Y/n get your head in the game!" shouted Menma.

You inhaled deeply trying to collect yourself and shake off all the negativity from your body and mind.

"Bring it here."

Menma tossed the ball to you, you hit it with your whole strength.

The ball looked so scary to them, they didn't even try to block it.

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