Everybody knows

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It was the strangest autumn for time out of mind. The trees remained clothed in green until the middle of October and then all of a sudden were a riot of colour. It was as if the season jumped into the park instead of fading in as it usually would, and was all the more magnificent for doing so. Upon the newly softened mud were the acorns - from green to pale brown, none yet the rich hue of children's story books. The air was cooler with a tincture of earthiness - just a hint that brought to mind the cosy evenings and warm soups to come.

And so the autumn arrives with a buoyant lack of subtly. For sure there are the browns that come as a comforting quilt to the earth, yet the rest are the hues of volcanoes, of firework sparks and festival hoopla. It is as if nature is calling out to the spring and the trees can't help but become as flowers, towering blossoms of flamed foliage to dance into the skies before tumbling as giant confetti to the sidewalks and verges.

The leaves dance from branch to ground, each a colourful flag without strings or pole, free to roam. You feel the breeze, rich with the aroma of the earth, the keeper of the seeds for the springtime to come. There is a calmness, as if all the gold, berry-reds and browns that flutter about are a cozy quilt, bringing in the same peace as the nighttime. It is the time you once again see how the trees are clad in the many hues of the soil, see how their bark is their fingerprint, speaking to you of the beauty in their silent way.

It's been three months since you and Oikawa started dating.

It's seven in the morning, you are on your way to school.

From afar you can see a beautiful boy dressed in your school uniform standing near the oak tree.
As you stepped over the blushed leaves you notice he was waiting for someone, you.
He looked so pretty standing there with a big smile on his face.
Dandelions by Ruth B. started playing in your head.

"Good morning Y/n chan you look beautiful today," he grinned.

"Good morning Too-"

"Haha, April fools!"


It's April?


"Oh," you smiled.

"What are you doing here," you asked him even though you knew the answer.

He knew you were playing with him but still said, "I was waiting for you."

You guys walked in silence enjoying each others company.
You slowly tried to reach out to his hand.
He had the same idea. You guys go to hold the other's hand at the same time.

You know they say little things matter, it is because those little things are not really little.

You both reached school just on time.
Oikawa pulled you closer and kissed you on your forehead.

"I'll meet you during lunch," he smiled tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

"Okay," you blushed.

He smiled kissing you once more on your forehead, "you blush when someone stares at you for too long..."

You blushed as soon as he said that and you hated the timing of it.

"...And that makes it even more fun to look at you."

"No, I don't," you ventured.

"If you say so," he laughed untangling his hands from yours, making his way towards the gym.

Then he was gone.

You made your way to your class when two figures stood in front you.

"When were you planning on telling us?" demanded Sakura.

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