Aoba Johsai

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Oikawa pulls back to look down at you, "Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you."

You swolled down the lump in your throat but it kept rising. Trying to keep the words inside you. But it would be a mistake to say it out loud.

'I love you', you thought.
But you didn't say it.


A few Years Ago:-

"Y/n, can you carry this box inside?"

You pop your head out of the car.

"I don't understand why did we have to move here in the first place," you complained grabbing the box from the truck.

"You know why we moved here," your mum stated.

"-because there are certain cases that need to be worked on here," you and your father both said at the same time.

"You could have left me in boarding school there," you argued. "How am I going to survive the last year of my high school here?"

"We were not going to abandon you there."

"And after all Japan isn't a bad place," your mum soothed.

"I'm not saying it's bad, I just don't like the idea of making new friends and talking in a whole new language all the time."

"That's why we are going to make it a habit of talking in Japanese from now on, plus it will be beneficial for all of us," your father grinned.

"You can't be serious," you confessed.

"Oh, I am young lady."

"Looks all done here sir," the truck driver called out.

"Thank you," your father jogged towards the man and paid him for the delivery.


*Beep beep*

7:45 am


You slowly open your eyes while switching off the alarm. At first, you don't see it you are still feeling a bit sleepy and your head feels kinda dizzy. Then it strikes you!

"Holy shit I'm late!"

You feel sick as you hold your hand on your mouth.

"I think I'm gonna puke."

I shouldn't have eaten so much ramen last night, you thought.

You ignore the feeling and get freshen up. Some boxes were still left to be unpacked.
Wearing the Aoba Johsai uniform you stand in front of the mirror taking a good look at yourself.

"This is it."

"Aaahhhh! I forgot I was late." You rush down.

"Good morning, darling you're up, finally. Have some breakfast."

"Later mom I'll be late for school."

"At least have a sandwich," she runs after you, you have no other choice but to take it.

You rush out of the house with the sandwich inside your mouth ready to run, you notice there's a bicycle in your house garage, without thinking you take the bicycle and run as you jump on it and start riding it.

You are excited and nervous at the same time, it's your first day as a transferred student and you have no idea how you're going to survive.


You barely make it to school on time but you're glad you weren't lost on the way.

You park your bike and run inside, that's when you bump into the glass door in front of you, you land on the floor with a thud, your bag getting dropped from your hand, your head hurts.

Few of the students standing in the hallway stop and look at you.

"Are you okay?" A boy comes up to you and asks.

Great, already embarassing myself on my first day, you thought without looking up, grabbing your bag.

Atleast no one was laughing, everyone seemed pretty... confused maybe because they were thinking how can someone be so dumb.

He lends you his hand and you take it without hesitation.

You look at him for the first time and you are in awe of his beauty.

You have seen many romantic films and at that moment it felt like something out of a movie.

He gently caresses your hand and says," are you going to be alright?"

I am not a kid you know, you thought but due to his politeness, you couldn't say anything except nod your head.

"Great," he smiles and leaves. You see the direction he is running to and see it's towards the gym.

It takes a while for you to find your class. When you enter the class no one seems to notice you which is a good thing and bad at the same time.

You look around for an empty seat and you find it near the window.
You hear some girls talking in distance about some guy whom they are planning on giving a letter to.

"He's so cute I wish he was my boyfriend," she said.

After a few minutes, the bell rings and a small dark figure enters the room. The teacher.
He looks at each of his students, then his eyes land on you and he knows.

"Y/N Y/LN come up here please."

You walk up to him your hands by your side and stand where he is gesturing you to.

"She is a transferred student from overseas it's your last year and her last year too so be nice to her and make her feel at home."

The class nodded, some of them are smiling while the rest are looking at you as if they are low key judging you.

He pats your back gently setting you off guard, signalling you to say something.
Words hardly come out of your mouth, you can feel the tension in your voice.

"I'm Y/N Y/LN from Y/Country it's nice to meet you all."

They don't give a damn, you knew it. You don't say anything except you awkwardly wave at them.


A/N hey this is my first time writing fanfiction hope you don't get bored. I know the first chapter is kinda lame trust me I know! but I'll make it up to you.

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