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After setting up the camps all the boys were asked to go around the forest collecting woods to build fire while the girls had to stay back preparing for lunch.

"Why can't we all just eat cup noodles?"

"From where are you supposed to get cup noodles in the middle of the forest," asked Mai.

"But I have it I don't want to eat stew," complained Sakura.

Camping was all fun until you had to work to even eat something.
You tried your best to focus on the task at hand and not care about the damn mosquitoes.
It seemed like the mosquitoes had all ganged up to bite you. None of your classmates was bothered by it biting them.
But, there's a limit to everything.

"I am getting so many mosquito bites," you exclaimed.

Nobody was listening. Everyone was busy with their work, Iwaizumi, Oikawa and Mattsun were busy chopping woods, Aika and the others busy with their task.
It wasn't like you said it for someone to care for you, you were talking to yourself.

"You wanna play motherfucker," you squealed spraying mosquito repellent on your skin.

All heads turned towards you.

"I'll put this shit on when you suck me..."

Everybody stopped what they were doing and was staring at you.
Oikawa stopped whatever he was doing, balanced his one hand on the handle of the axe and with a smirk on his face was gazing at you.

"You're gonna die!" You applied more spray.

Hajime covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

"That's what's going to happen," after applying the spray you look up.

Everyone was looking at you with astonishment.

Hajime was the first to crack up with everyone following behind. Even the teachers were laughing.

You felt so embarrassed you wanted to hide behind someone.

Thankfully, everything went back to normal and everyone finally stopped paying attention to you.

Later when the fire was built and the stew was ready everyone was allowed to move around wherever they wanted, but not to venture out too far into the forest.

Hajime was struggling, whenever he tried to roast his s'mores his marshmallows was getting caught on fire.

Mattsun decided to stay in his tent to avoid all the bugs and nature in general.

You decided to put on sweatpants and a hoodie to avoid all the freaking mosquitoes.

After an hour you all had lunch.
Sakura managed to boil some water secretly and have cup noodles in her tent.

Counting all the heads near the counter miss. Tsuduko asked, "where's Mai and Sakura?"

"Ma'am they were not feeling well so they decided to eat in their camps."

"Is it too serious?"

"No ma'am it's fine. It's just a stomach ache," you assured.

It was cold near the mountains and it was getting dark before you knew it.
Everyone sat in a big circle near the bonfire talking and eating marshmallows.

You sat near the fire, your arms crossed around your knees. The heat from the fire got rid of all the shivers in your body. It felt warm, you could stay like that for hours.

"Y/n." A voice called out as you were rubbing your arms.

You turned your head feeling a similar jolt in your stomach. You recognised him immediately, running towards you with his hood up.

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