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You stood on the street corner, your hands wrapped tightly around Tooru's neck as you clung to each other.

You watched the pavement crack beneath your feet. The sound of rushing water roared against your eardrums as a chasm split the ground, giving way to flames that climbed out, licking the sky, and then suddenly Tooru was gone and you were sinking.

You screamed, but your voice got caught in your throat. As the air turned to sand that filled your lungs, your whole world turned black, like someone has reached into your head and flicked a switch.

And then there was nothing but your heart pummeling against your chest and the smell of cream cheese.

Guided by a distant hum, you hurtled back into reality.


The sunlight was bouncing off your eyelids.

"Earth to Y/n..."

You squinted and waited for the ceiling to shift into focus.

"Guess what day it is?"

You cleared the cobwebs from your throat in groggy squeaks and tried to blink away the memory of your dream.

You propped yourself onto your elbows.

"Good morning, Birthday Girl!"

Your mother was preached on the end of your bed with your dad standing behind.

There were small crinkles at the sides of their face, and their mouth was curved upwards in a grin that could have put the Cheshire Cat to shame.

You were glad that they were back. You missed them. Their smile made their eyes sparkle.

In her lap, she held a cream cheesecake, lavished with chocolate frosting.

"Good morning," you croaked.

"Happy Birthday, sweetheart." They both said at the same time.

Your father fished a zippo lighter from his pocket, flicked it open and lit the candle.

"Make a wish!" she said, shoving the cake so close to your face you could see tiny wisps of smoke rise above the flame.

You hesitated as it danced across your eye line, taunting you.

Clarity, you decided at last. I just want clarity. You blew purposefully across the flame, extinguishing it in one tiny puff of air.

Your mother produced a silver knife from her cardigan. She sliced the cake offering you the first bite.

She reached behind your father and fished out a present wrapped in glitzy blue paper.

"We bought for you something."

You smiled as you wiped the residual cake grease from your fingers onto your duvet. You wondered what it could be.

Carefully, you unstuck the tape around the edges and peeled away the paper so that the garment slipped out, perfectly folded, on the bed.

You unfurled it, brushing your fingers gently along the thin straps and felt the dress curve in around as you held it up.

"T-thank you it's beautiful!"

"We saw it on our way home," he said.

"We thought you might like it." She finished.

He clapped his hands together, "lunch later?" he asked, your mother bouncing up from your bed. "I want to treat my daughter anything she wants to eat today."

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