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The rest of the period mostly involved few lectures and copying notes.

Your mind was somewhere else, You were worried you didn't know why all of a sudden you were so interested in volleyball but it didn't seem fair that your team didn't get to practice more.

They are as capable as the boy's team and they too deserve a chance to practice more you thought.

There was an old gym that was not being used at the moment but needed to be renovated.

We can use that gym for practice, you thought.

A letter to the principal requesting him to renovate the old gym was the only plan you could come up with.

The weather outside seemed it was about to rain.

"Y/N, what are you doing during the weekends?" Aika asked cheerfully.

"Not that I know of but I guess I'll probably be at Iwaizumi's place."

"Really!?" her face lit up. "Can I come too? Pretty please." She begged.

You burst out laughing. Aika looked a little embarrassed about how she behaved.

"You don't have to do that, I will introduce you to him again and this time I'll make sure he talks to you." You assured.

"Wow Y/N you're the best!" she hugged you.

Lightning strikes

You head out of the classroom on your way to the principal's office.

As you pass down the empty hallway you see most of the sections are having their class.

You pass Oikawa's classroom you catch a glimpse of him. He is sitting next to Hajime.

You both look at each other for brief seconds as you walk by.

"This is it", you take a deep breath as you stand in front of the principal's office.

You knock on the door and excuse yourself.

"Come in, "a deep voice answers.

"Sorry to bother you sir b-'

"-where is your good afternoon?" He stops you midway.

"Oh umm-"

"-go outside and come back in again and don't forget to say good afternoon."

You nod and you close the door.

You gather all your courage and open the door again with confidence. "Excuse me, sir, Good afternoon."

"Yes?" He asks without looking at you.

You see he is busy with some paperwork.

For a moment you have a second thought to go back and come some other time, or never.

He was scary.

Even though he lacked in height he could still take down a man twice his size in a debate, of course.

"Sir I had a request." You said politely.

"Spill it."

"I-i was thinking wouldn't it be nice if we renovated the old gym?" You asked nervously.

"Hmm? What for." He asked bluntly.

He still wasn't looking at you.

"For the Girls volleyball club." You sounded strong and confident.


Why!? How am I supposed to answer that.

"You are in the volleyball club?" He asks.

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