Birthday Boy

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Tomorrow was the 20th of July and nearly every girl in the Miyagi district knew what this day meant.

It was none other but the Great King, Tooru Oikawa's birthday.

You wanted to give him something special but you were running out of ideas.

He had given you such a thoughtful gift you didn't want to give him something monotonous.

You scrolled through the Internet trying to find something interesting to give him. Nothing.

"Bake him a cake or something," your mom explained looking at you then on your phone.

You shoved your phone in your pocket, resting your hands on the kitchen counter.

"So who is this boy?"

"What boy?" you asked in a high pitched voice.

"The boy for whom you are finding gifts for."

"Oh, him he's just a friend."

"Just a friend," she echoed.

She looked at you for a moment.

"What?" you laughed.

"You tell me."

"It's nothing mom, really," you walk back to your room.

That night you had made a card for him but it didn't feel enough. You studied the mixtape in your drawer lifting it in your hand and reading the quote once again:

'Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new.'

Your phone buzzed in your hip- it was Iwaizumi.

"Iwa what are you giving Tooru for his birthday?" you began without even saying hello.

"An alien," he replied from the other side of the line.

"Seriously?" you asked apathetically. "Then I should give you a dinosaur on your birthday."

"Hey, why are you getting mad I was just kidding," he laughed. "No, but seriously I am giving him an alien."

"Stop kidding around what should I give him?"

"I am not, kick him in the ass he will like it."

"You are unbelievable," you disconnected the call.

You sat back on your chair staring at the ceiling, "what should I give him."

Your mother's in the kitchen making dinner and your father is at work.

"Mom," you stand near the dining table resting your hands on the chair. "Can you help me bake something?"

"Of course, dear," she ran up to you throwing her arms around you.
She usually never behaves like that but when she does it creeps the hell out of you.

"We will bake him a cookie from my secret recipe. It was the same cookie I baked for your father on our first valentines day."

"Okay we are not going that far," you cut in.

She lays down all the ingredients on the table, "tonight we are going to make cake batter cookies."

"Are you sure they are going to be fresh till the morning?" you asked nervously.

"Don't you worry about them they are going to be fresh as new."

Maybe baking cookies for him wasn't a bad idea afterall.

"Oh, my my," your father enters the kitchen. "What is that smell, takes me back to the night we met."

He came in hugging your mother from behind kissing her on the cheek.

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