Seijoh's ace

505 31 26

Only two more questions and you're done with your homework. You sat back on your chair looking at the ceiling, "at least my first interaction with Hajime wasn't so bad."

You breathed in relief and thought back about the time in school.

Aika pushed you a little, "go on talk to him."

How do I tell her that it's being really weird for me cause I only spoke to him when we were little when he would come to visit us with his family, you thought.
While you were lost in your train of thoughts Sakura called out to him.


You jumped a little when you heard Sakura calling out to him you had no other choice but to speak to him.

"H-hey Hajime it's been a while," you said.

He looked at you for a moment then spoke, "I'm sorry but do I know you?"

"What?" You thought, I just made a fool of myself I should have come to visit him with mum and dad.

You felt embarrassed and wished the floor to crack open so you could sink in.
Before you could say anything he came up to you.

"Psyched!" he smiled and hugged you.

The girls were startled by the sudden hug he gave you and you were too. You tried to hug him back but your arms wouldn't cooperate.

"You think I will forget you, by the way how are you?"

He asked you so many questions all at once that you didn't know which one to answer first but mostly you were glad that he remembered you.

You turn the pages of your book but you are not looking at it. You look outside the window then back at your book as you close your eyes.

"When are you coming to my house?" he asked.

"Maybe tomorrow or at the weekends," you said.

"We can have a barbecue in the backyard then."

You nodded your head in agreement, you felt so happy at that moment it was like your old friend is back.

You both forgot about the crowd that was watching you while both of you were busy talking about all the fun things you were going to do at the weekend.

Mai nudged you and you remembered.

"Iwa these are my friends Aika, Mai and Sakura."

"Hey," all three of them smiled at the same time.

You open your eyes and still see your books and notebook open, the soft wind coming from your window is causing the pages of your book to turn over. You look at your clock on your desk.

"It's still 8:30," you murmured.

You close your eyes and feel the breeze blowing on your face. You get up and change into your jogging clothes and head downstairs.

You put on your shoes and you are about to leave when-

"Where are you going, shouldn't you be studying right now?"

"I am done with it so I thought I would go for a walk, bye mum," and you leave.

You crossed the road and paused trying to decide which way to go.

After studying for two hours straight you wanted to get your mind out of things.

As you jog you run into a small grocery store so you decide to buy yourself a drink.

Not a lot of people are inside, there's a tv in which a highlight of a previous match is being telecast. You go up to the drinks counter and choose which drink to buy. The distant voice of the television is echoing in the store.

"So what are your thoughts, how do you think the matches went Oikawa-san?"

That name, you thought as you turned to face the tv.

There was a beautiful boy on the tv who was being interviewed. It was the same boy who bumped into you the other day!

You read the headlines and it was no other but Tooru Oikawa from your school.

"So this is him, he sure is pretty," you mumbled.

"It was great both the teams gave their best," said Tooru to the interviewer.

You could see some girls in the background staring at him and blushing whenever he looked back and waved at them.

"Oikawa-san I know this is off the topic but what is your taste in women."

You listened more carefully now, you were surprised at how interested you were in knowing the answer.

He smirked a little and said, "I like all types of women."

"Is that an answer?" you sounded irritated.

The shopkeeper heard you and smiled. Your cheeks flushed red. You paid for the drink and left the store.

You wanted to explore the town so you took a left this time.

The lights soon seemed to fade away. You started picking up your pace and began to run.

You put on your headphones and play your favourite song in full volume. You drink the last bit of the juice that was kept inside your jacket which you just bought and dispose it in the nearest dustbin.

"Tooru Oikawa you sure flirt a lot even though you have a girlfriend," you whisper under your breath.

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