Camp Monster

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Hajime took you back to your group made you sit down, wrapped a blanket around you and offered you a hot cup of coffee.

"If that jerk ever tries to do something stupid tell me." He mumbled pouring the coffee in your cup. "I will teach him a lesson."

"You are thinking too much into it Iwa, it's fine."

"If you say so," he sank on the grass next to you.

Oikawa stood there like a puppy, he wanted to sit next to you.

"What?" demanded Hajime.

Oikawa didn't say anything he kept making his iconic pouty face.

"Go and sit next to Mattsun over there."

Oikawa looked in the direction he was pointing at. "But that's too far."

"Yes I know," agreed Hajime.

You tried to hide your smirk with your cup.
Oikawa waited there for a minute when Iwaizumi didn't budge he scoffed and went and sat next to Mattsun.

"Have you all heard about the camp monster that lives in this forest?"

"There's no such thing as a camp monster, Mattsun," said Menma.

"There is I heard he lives on the trees."

Oikawa was shivering, from the cold or something else no one knew.

Even though he was scared he was relieved that at least Mattsun was beside him, if something did happen he would jump on him.

Mattsun continued with his story, meanwhile, Menma kept denying it as all false information.

Cold winds started blowing causing the trees to make sad eerie sounds.

Some looked up at the trees, while some covered their ears trying to be on guard if something happened.

Oikawa was sweating, he reached out for Mattsun sitting beside him, he kept reaching out into the open space until he fell on his side.

Mattsun was gone.

Oikawa freaked out.

"Ma-mattsun is gone," he stuttered.

Everyone looked at Oikawa with horrific expressions.

The boys sitting beside him moved to the other side leaving him behind.

"Oikawa," cried Menma looking past him.

"Guys, what's wrong?"

Oikawa could feel something standing behind him but he was too scared to move.

He could hear heavy breathing behind him.
It took him a lot of courage to slowly turn his head to face the creature.

It was a tall dark figure with leaves growing on it.

Oikawa was dead scared he couldn't move.

He screamed like a baby.

You and Hajime were sitting far away from their group. Oikawa's scream caused everyone to look at them.

"What's wrong?" you asked Hajime.

"I think Someone is scaring Oikawa again," he answered plainly.

The camp monster was no other but Mattsun dressed in a costume.

"You should have looked at your face," laughed Mattsun.

Everyone was laughing at Oikawa.

"Come on it wasn't that scary," he denied it.

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