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It's late at night, you scroll down your phone finding a perfect song before heading towards the fridge to find something for yourself.

Your dad is still out working on a case, it has been over a week since he came home and your mum is out in the city to attend to a client.

She said she will be back in a few days before your birthday.

You walk across the kitchen in your shorts and an oversized t-shirt. The fridge is nearly empty now with nothing but two packs of frozen food and an egg.

It has been over two days and you're only living on frozen food and ramen. You wanted to make something special today but it seemed you had to wait until tomorrow.

You opened the fridge for the hundredth time hoping to find something instead you ended up eating cup noodles. That night you went to bed eating nothing but cup noodles.

"I have to go shopping tomorrow," you mumble staring at the ceiling.


You sat with your elbows on the table, watching your phone. It vibrated against the wood making the water in the bottle quiver. The number was Aika's. She did not come to school today.

"Hello Y/N," the voice called out from the other side of the line.

She called you because she wanted you to update her on whatever was going on in class. Your examinations were around the corner and you were hardly studying.

You promised yourself that you would go home and start studying cause then only they would allow you to play in the game.

Oikawa made his way to your classroom, probably looking for something or someone.

The closer he got towards your desk, the more obvious it became that he was capturing the attention of every girl in the classroom and it looked like he knew it too. Two of his fangirls were in your class too.

You thought back at the time when he was all shy and vulnerable towards you and the way his nephew called you his girlfriend! -but the thought vanished when Oikawa's eyes found yours and you nearly exploded with butterflies.

"Hi," he mouthed.

You smiled back, resisting the urge to clutch your stupid, backflipping stomach.

"Holy handsomeness!" Sakura was practically salivating. "What do you think Mai, What are they talking about?"

Mai's eyes hadn't left you and Oikawa sitting across the classroom. "I feel like they have a thing."

"Haha, very funny."

"No I'm serious, something is going on between the two of them."

They both studied the two of you from afar.

"You left without saying goodbye," Oikawa sat on the empty chair in front of you, crossing his arms on top of your desk and resting his head.

"I was running late, and by the way, I gave you a cotton candy as an apology."

"But still," he frowned.

You playfully slapped him in his arm, "get over it."

Ouch. He rubbed his arm grinning.

"I didn't hit that hard," you complain.

"You gotta hit it till it breaks," he winked.

You rolled your eyes at him, "sure."

Your phone buzzed on your desk.

"Who is it from?" he asked you concerned. He was hoping it wasn't some guy.

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