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"I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back, I was so delighted" he smiled stretching out his arms for you.

A tear escaped from your left eye.

"Just in case you ever foolishly forget y/n chan, I'm never not thinking of you."

You ran to him but the further you got the more distant he came to be until he faded away in the dust.

The distant sound of your alarm brought you back to reality.

Aika accused you of losing your mind but you swore you were fine.

Your clothes were soaked in sweat and you were crying as you gasped for air.

Your dog ran up to you, licking your face and trying to hug you.

It's 9:00 am you had a meeting at twelve then another meeting at two in the afternoon.

You got up heading towards the washroom.
Changing into your most professional-looking suit with your hair tied in a neat bun with a few strands falling from the sides.

You stalled in the kitchen with the dog following behind wagging its tail.


He jumped up and down in excitement.

"Wait Bruno, let me take it out first."


There was a dried wishbone lying on the window sill of the kitchen. You remembered keeping it there last Thanksgiving which was a few months ago.

It was lying there just in case if you ever need it, who knew.

You loved this life. Living here in New York, where dreams came true. You loved this house. You loved this dog who always came when you called.

But sometimes you wonder what you're missing. Your heart's been burning for so many summers now, it was time to cool it down. Wherever it leads.


"That was great y/n!" confessed Davis.

You walked out of the court with Davis catching up with you.

"I just did my job," you exclaimed.

"Still y/n it was awesome, you should really give yourself more credit."

Davis Miles was a tall white guy with dark wavy hair with a prince cut. He had hazel brown eyes with rosy cheeks and pink lips.

Davis was a beauty with brains, most of his clients and other co-workers fancy him.

He is also a lawyer and a friend. He was the first guy you knew when you first moved to New York a year ago.

You got on your car starting the engine.

Davis popped his head inside through the window.

"What you doin?"

He was not really close to your face but you could smell his deodorant. You didn't know what brand it was but it smelt good.

"Uhh driving," you tried to be obvious.

"No, I mean this weekend," he chuckled.

"I am busy."

"No, you're not!"

You laughed.

"Okay, then how about tonight?"


"-Before you say anything there is this awesome restaurant let's have dinner there."

You wanted to call off on the whole dinner thing but something inside you wanted to go.

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