The Shadow

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The moon was full and high but the evening seemed darker than usual.

After fifteen minutes with only the sound of your footsteps as company, the path seemed to get quieter.

You were so lost in your music that you didn't realise that you were in a deserted area.

After running for so long the balls of your feet were throbbing, it was late so you decided to head back home.

The long way home was usually your preferred opinion - it was well lit and well-travelled but the shortcut was significantly shorter, bypassing the centre of town and winding up the hill instead but it was often dark and deserted with nothing but tall trees and a thin path.

It was getting late and you had to head home so you took the shorter route.

It was way too dark than usual, you had to use your flashlight to get a proper view.

The wind caused the trees to make sad eerie noises which were very unsettling to listen to, you picked up your pace and now took longer steps.

You must be dreaming but you sure heard voices. You broke into a run heading aimlessly towards the clearing.

You stopped when you saw it.

A tall shadow with broad shoulders and sure movements. Even under the moonlight, he was just an outline.

He tilted his head to one side and stepped closer, one purposeful stride and then another, as he closed the space between you and him.

Your curiosity evaporated, leaving reality in its place. You stumbled back and broke into a run.

As the sound of heavy footsteps split the silence behind you.

You stumbled and landed on the ground with a thud, your phone getting dropped from your hand.

Your hands and knees scraped the pavement. Dizziness flooding you.

Before you could piece together what had happened or just how exactly you were going to die. You were lifted out of your bubble of pain, away from the asphalt and onto your feet again.

But something felt different. There was a feeling of strong hands on your waist. They held you upright as you wobbled back and forth, trying to find your balance.

"Are you okay?"

Those words seemed so strange to you. You thought you imagined it.

You dropped your gaze and found his hands around you and suddenly you saw yourself as if from above relaxing into the arms of a complete stranger on a deserted street.

You pushed the unfamiliar hands away from your body and lept forward. You crouched and grabbed your phone from the ground.

You didn't wait around to give him a chance to attack you again.

"Don't follow me." Your voice sounded stronger than you felt and you started to run.

You heard him call out, but you were already gone.

You didn't turn around but you were sure you could feel the shadow's eyes - his eyes - on the back of your neck as you run.

The distant sound of laughter followed you through the darkness.

You were so glad when you saw your house from a distance. You got home just in time.

"You are back, great sit down I'll bring something for you-" She looked terrified, she ran up to you with a concerned face.

You held back all the emotions and said, "it's nothing I just got knocked over while saving a cat."

"- I'll bring the antiseptic." she ran to the kitchen.

You ignore the stingy feeling on your hands and knees and cripple into the kitchen.

You sit back on the chair as you apply some antiseptic to your stingy knees and crawl back to bed.

After what felt like hours with wide eyes staring at the ceiling you finally fell asleep.


You roll out of bed the next morning crawling between crumpled jeans and an inside-out t-shirt to fish out a partially obscured bra.

You swooped denim shorts and pulled them on before settling on a white tank top.

After putting some moisturiser and pulling your hair into a messy bun. You crept downstairs, steeling yourself for what you were about to hurtle into.

You heard voices coming from the living room.

"......we should do that someday, Y/MN. Even his father will be there......"

All heads turn towards you as you stand in the doorway. It takes a few seconds for you to figure out who these new faces are.

"Hey Y/N," said Iwaizumi.


"What happened to your hands and legs my dear?" His mum asked.

"Oh, it's nothing it's-

"-She did this to herself while saving a cat," said Y/M.

You ignored her and went and sat down next to Iwaizumi.

"So are you enjoying your new school?"

"Yeah, it's really friendly."

"Great! So have you decided which club you're going to join?"

"How about volleyball? I played it in my previous school so I have an idea about it," you stated.

"I don't think you can handle it."

"Hey wait what does that supposed to mean!? Girls play better volleyball than boys."

"-no, it's just it is a complicated game-"

"How do you know you have never seen me play." You asked.

"I think you should better go for something else cause it's the last year."

"Yes, I guess you are right but there's no harm in trying," you say.

After thinking this through you thought you used to play it often you have an idea about it and if they test you let them.

"So? You are still taking it" he asked.

"Yes, the rest of the clubs are boring, to be honest."

"Okay but don't blame me that I didn't warn ya," he said.

"Shut up. I won't."

"- Okay then if you need help make sure to contact me. I'll help you," he said cheerfully.

"Yeah as if," you said sarcastically.

They stayed the entire day that day.

"Tomorrow you are coming to school right?" He asked.

"Of course I am," you replied.

"Great then I'll sign you up for the volleyball club?"

"I can do it myself."

"Okay, but I'll be there too."

You knew whatever you did he wasn't going to back off unless you became a member.

"Okay fine," you smiled.

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