Mr. Cold | Chapter 17

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Y/n and Shoto just escaped the unknown photoshoot as Y/n still couldn't believe that they kissed. 'Was that my first kiss? Oh my gosh! I'm so embarrassed! How will I talk to him?!' She thought while shaking.

"Hey Y/n, you ok?" Shoto asked, "W-what? Y-yeah! I'm fine! HAHA!" Y/n said that made Shoto confused. 'I still can't believe that this girl was the one who took my first kiss. Maybe.' Shoto thought when someone jumped behind Y/n and Shoto.

"Hey! I saw it! You two are secretly dating, right?" It was Sero, "What?! We're not dating!" Both Y/n and Shoto shouted at him. "Yeah right, you don't have to hide. We all saw you kissed." He said, "It was an accident!" Shoto and Y/n shouted once again.

[Time Skip: The Next Day 7:30 AM] {Y/n Point Of View}

"Good luck with your internship Y/n." Dad said, "Yep! You too!" I said and kissed his cheeks same goes to Eri and Shinso, "Take care Nii-chan!" Shinso and Eri said, "Yep!" We all hugged as I grabbed my two backpacks and head to the bus stop.

The bus arrived as I paid for my bus fare, the bus is halfway full, I stand in the middle and hold on to the handle above my head. I pull out my phone and saw a message from Nejire.

"Let's do our best on our internships Y/niee!!" She texted, "Let's do our best!" I replied and we both replied back with a thumbs up.

The bus stopped at the next stop and the guy who entered is Todoroki, I looked at my phone again and he stood next to me and hold onto the handle too. I did my best to not be embarrassed because of what happened yesterday.

The bus continued to go as I put on my earphones, the bus stopped at the next stop again, and many people entered, the bus is already full and it's so crowded. I and Todoroki are so close and I could smell his peppermint scent and our bodies are attached and I could feel his toned abs.

'Oh my gosh! This is so uncomfortable! But... His scent is so good!' I thought and I looked at my phone GPS. It will be 45 minutes till I arrive at Hawks' Agency.

I was busy playing games on my phone when the bus suddenly stops and caused me to bump into Todoroki's chest. I was frozen when I felt his heart beating faster, "Is it comfy?" He asked, I quickly got off. "Sorry, I blacked out a moment. Are you ok?" I asked him, "Yeah, I'm fine." He said with a slight blush on his face.

'Shit! I made him shy!' I thought and I held onto the handle again. 'His chest is comfy tho, wish the bus could stop aggressively again. Wait! WHAT?!?!'

{End Of Y/n Point Of View}

It's been 45 minutes and Y/n left the bus already, little did she know that Shoto is behind her heading to Hawks' Agency. Y/n arrived and the guard let her in, "Hey yow! You should be Future Hero NYX, am I right?" Hawks said appearing out of nowhere. "Uh, yes. It's nice to see you Hawks!" Y/n said and bowed, "Oh please, I'm still young to be praised like this. Anyways, you're with Future Hero Shoto, right?" He asked Y/n.

"Uhm, we have different mentors..." Y/n said, "Yeah, I know. His mentor is Endeavor, he's inside." Hawks said that made Y/n shocked, "O-ok, well. I didn't see him come with me." Y/n said, "Hey Hawks, is Endeavor here? He sent me a message to come to this location." Y/n got shocked.

"Oh hey Shoto! Yeah, Endeavor is inside in my office." Hawks said, 'Am I facing him once again? Oh God! Maybe I should just go and not try to make eye contact with him, right? It should be fine.' Y/n thought. "Uhm, NYX. You ok?" Hawks asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Totally fine!" Y/n said and they head to his office, Y/n just gulped and they entered. "Hey yow, Endeavor! Our students are here!" Hawks said, "Hello Shoto and... Tamashiro." Endeavor said, "He forgot the rule, call them by their hero name. Introduce yourselves." Hawks said.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki, my hero name is Shoto," Shoto said with his hands on his pockets. "I'm Y/n Aizawa, my Hero Name is NYX." Y/n said, 'What does she mean by Aizawa?' Shoto thought. 'Shit! Did I just say that? Never mind, Dad will not be mad, right?' Y/n thought, "Ok, how about you two change to your costumes and we'll go on patrol." Hawks said as both Y/n and Shoto nodded.

Hawks called staff and she showed Y/n and Shoto the bathroom, both of them entered a stall and Y/n changed into her Hero Costume, once she is done. She left the stall and went in front of the mirror, she tied her hair when the stall at the very end opened.

'Oh my, did that just open by itself? I should go check it.' Y/n thought and walked quietly at the stall but nothing was there, she turned around then saw all stalls are open. 'Oh my, all stalls opened..' She peeked all stalls but when she reached the second stall, she saw a little girl sitting in the toilet, she has long hair, a white muddy long dress, and it's crying.

The girl looked at her and it has no eyes and the lips are sewed. Y/n screamed, "Come on Y/n. Join the League of Villians. Your Father will be proud of you." The girl said while her voice echoed, "No! Stop!" Then the first stall opened, it was Shoto. "Y/n?! What are you doing there?!" Shoto asked, "A-A girl! Is in front of me!" Y/n shouted, Shoto looked at where Y/n is pointing, "Y/n, no one is there." Shoto said.

"So you're afraid now huh. Having your boyfie protect you. Tsk!" The girl said, "No! Just leave me alone!" Y/n said when the voice of the girl changed, Y/n looked at the girl and saw All For One. "I'll come back Y/n. I'll come back for you and Katsuki." He said and disappeared, Shoto just patted Y/n back calming her down.

'I have to tell the heroes now! I can't just hide his identity. Yaomomo said that we should keep it a secret cause they might arrest me... Urgh! I don't want to get arrested and I want to reveal the truth! I hate this! I'll tell them!' Y/n thought, "Y/n, are you ok?" Shoto asked, "Yes. L-let's go back." She said and they went back.

They went back and Y/n acted as nothing happen. "Hawks, can I talk to you for a moment?" Y/n asked with a serious tone. "Sure, go on." Hawks said.

"Arrest me because I am a traitor and I am All For One's daughter."

Mr. Cold | End of Chapter 17

Mr. Cold | Shoto x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang