Mr. Cold | Chapter 24 "END"

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It's been two weeks, and I've been discharged from the hospital already, "I'm so glad that you'll be back again, uh.." Principal Nezu said, "Call me Y/n Aizawa." I said, "Welcome back, Y/n Aizawa." The teachers bowed to me as I also bowed, "Well, we still didn't tell your classmates about your condition, so maybe you could surprise them." Midnight said. "Sure, I'll do it! Thank you, Sensei!" I bowed again. Dad and I went to the Hero Course Hallway, surprising my friends and Eri.

"How should we do it? Should we have confetti?" Dad asked as we both laughed. We reached the classroom as I looked at Dad. "Maybe you should go first. Tell them you have a surprise for them."I said, "I might scare the hell out of them, and Eri's there. You should go first." He said as I agreed.

I breathed and opened the door.

{End Of Y/n Point Of View}

When Y/n opened the door, the others looked at the door. Everyone was confused and walked closely, but Y/n jumped in front of them, "SURPRISE!!!" She shouted as everyone hugged her and cried, except for Shoto. He just sat at his seat, still confused. "We missed you so much!!" They shouted as tears went out from Y/n's eyes. "I'm glad you guys are fine." She said as Yaoyorozu faked a cough. "So, still doing the love thing?" The girls told as Y/n blushed. "Don't say it! Dad's here with us!" She said as she saw Shoto.

"Go on, baby girl." They said as she rolled her eyes playfully. Shoto laid his head on the table and cried in happiness. Y/n walked towards him, and he just lay his head trying to ignore Y/n because he didn't want her to see tears streaming down his face. "Come on, Todoroki. Your bestie is here." She said as Shoto still ignored her, she sighed and said, "Too bad, I was about to buy some soba for you but you were ignoring me-" She got cut off by him hugging her.

He burry his face at her neck and tears stream down his face. "Mr. Aizawa! We caught the couples in 4k!" Everyone said as Shoto and Y/n stopped hugging. "W-We're not a couple!" Both of them shouted as everyone whistled like nothing happened. "Oh well, since Y/n is back. You can have free time, spend time with her. Bye." He left and everyone looked at Shoto and Y/n. They rushed out of the classroom and locked Shoto and Y/n inside. "Those guys always piss me off!" Shoto shouted as Y/n giggled.

"You always act like that, anyways. How are you?" Y/n asked him as he said, "I'm fine, how about you? I heard that you're at the hospital for a month and that Mawata is the real traitor." He said, "That's true. And I'm fine, a month at the hospital is like a month in the house. Except I'm always alone. And, I have something to say to you." Y/n said as Shoto looked at her with his eyes starring at her, his ears ready to listen, and his mouth ready to respond.

"What is it?" He asked, "Well, ever since the day where we kissed, I felt a wierd feeling inside of me, my stomach always act wierd and I always blush whenever I'm with you. I asked the girls what I'm feeling and they said that it's love, so I decided to push my feelings down and focus on my studies but you can't get out of my head. That's why I'm going straight to the point." Y/n said as Shoto looked at her with his eyes sparkling, "I love you Shoto, ever since that photoshoot happened at the mall." She said really fast and looked down feeling embarassed.

"S-Sorry I was taking it seriously, I know that you only consider me as a friend-" She got cut off when Shoto grabbed her by her chin and attached their lips together. "You think I'm not feeling that feeling also? Tsk! Dumbass." He said and Y/n smiled, Shoto kissed her again as the door opened. "Ok! Enough already! I'm starting to feel single!" The others shouted while they barged inside the door. Shoto and Y/n giggled. "Yow TodoBro. Date her already, it will be a waste if you didn't do it now." Denki, Sero, and Kirishima said as Shoto looked at Y/n.

"Will you be the girl that I will love for the rest of my life? The girl who will raise my future kids? Inshort, will you be my wife? Mrs. Todoroki?" He said as Y/n blushed and looked away, "Hey! Y/n still belongs to me and YaoMomo, she's not yet Mrs. Todoroki!" Jiro shouted as Shoto hugged Y/n. "Nope, only mine." Everyone laughed as Y/n looked at him, "I would love to be that girl." Y/n said and before Shoto could speak she kissed her. "No more words, the answer is yes."

[After 4 years]

It's been 4 years and Class 1-A are now the heroes they wanted theirselves to be. Y/n and Shoto are now a married couple and they still didn't have their 1st Child yet cause they aren't ready to be parents yet. "NYX! A VILLAIN IN FRONT OF THE GROCERY STORE!!" The sidekick shouted from her earpiece, "Finally, someone showed up." Y/n said and ran infront of the grocery store which is 5 minutes away, she caught the villain and created an handcuff, she handcuffed the villain and removed its mask. Until it was, "Mawata?!" Y/n said as the rest of class a is there. "Mawata?!?!" They said as Yaoyorozu and Jiro walked angrily at her. "Woah woah! Let's not start a fight here. Creati and Earphone Jack, chill out." Y/n said as they obeyed.

"Can't believe this two listens to the Number 11th hero." Bakugo said, "Excuse me Dynamight but I'm the Number 2 Hero who surpasses you before, don't spread lies. People are watching tho." Y/n said, Aoyama and Mineta grabbed Mawata and bring her to the Police Station. "Well, it's almost lunch. Who's hungry?" Sato asked as everyone said, "Me!"

And that's the story of how they became the hero they wanted to be and how Shoto and Y/n got together.

Thank you guys sooooo muchhh!!! I really love you all! Thank you for reading this story! I really really aprreciated it!!

Mr. Cold | The End

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