Mr. Cold | Chapter 18

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"What?" Endeavor, Hawks, and Shoto said simultaneously and looked at her, "NYX, what are you saying?" Hawks asked again. "All For One is my abusive Father, and he is attacking me next. I should get arrested. Trust me." Y/n said.

"Y/n, we can talk about this. It's just the first day of your internship. And if All For One is your Father, then why is your last name Aizawa?" Hawks asked again as Y/n told them the story from the beginning.

"Do you know his location?" Endeavor asked, "No. But our Quirks are similar, and he told me that I could know someone's location if I could combine all the Quirks I copied. It doesn't make sense, but I will do it." She said, 'She is out of her mind.' Shoto and Endeavor thought. "Ok then, since I'm your mentor, I'll ask Eraser Head to train you every day. 4:30-6:30 AM then when you finish school, 6:00-8:00 PM, and on Saturday I'll train you the whole day, Sunday will be your rest day but do maybe 30 minutes work out." Hawks said as Y/n agreed.

[Time Skip: The Next Day 3:30 AM]

Y/n is now at Hawks' Agency, and there's a dorm for the sidekicks and extra rooms. Y/n is sleeping peacefully when. "Wake up, birdy!!" Hawks shouted at her, "Ah!!" Y/n shouted and covered her body with the blanket.

"Ready yourself, take a shower, and change into your hero costume. I'll train you starting today! Aizawa agreed." He said happily, "Ok." Hawks left her alone as she yawned. She looked at the clock. 'I have to practice till 6?' She thought and just took a shower.

She changed into her hero costume and left the room. She headed to Hawks' Office and saw him sitting in the chair. "I'm ready." Y/n said, "It's 4:00, so how about you have some coffee? We'll start in 30 minutes." He said, "Ok."

Y/n left the office and went to the 1st floor of the building, she went to the coffee counter and grabbed some coffee, but she heard multiple voices not far away. She turned around and put the coffee at the counter. 'W-Who are those?' Y/n thought and just grabbed her coffee.

She went back to Hawks' office, and he is just looking at the window, "Hey Hawks, are you ok?" Y/n asked, "Yes, just thinking about what I want to do." He said as Y/n was confused. "Well, do you know that there are maybe 5 to 10 people at the lobby? They are talking about nonsense things." Y/n said and sipped on her coffee as Hawks looked at her.

"People? But, no one is awake at this time except me, including you, of course." Hawks said as Y/n stopped drinking her coffee, "Then he is attacking me again. Urgh! I'm so done with his attacks." Y/n said and was about to leave the office, but Hawks grabbed her by her arm.

"What do they look like?" Hawks asked, "A few girls are wearing black clothes, and they have long hair, and the boys are just wearing black clothes. That's it, why?" Y/n said Hawks was just silent as Y/n left the office. When she reached the hallway, someone grabbed her arm. She looked behind her and saw Hawks shaking in fear.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked, "I wanted some coffee, and I'm scared since you told me about the people you saw." Hawks said with a scared tone. 'Cute... Huh?! What?!' Y/n thought as she slapped herself.

"Fine, let's go." She said, and they went to the elevator. Y/n pressed the button that had the number 1 on it, and it started to go down. Hawks are still holding unto Y/n's hand as she sighed. "I can't believe that the number 3 hero is such a scaredy-cat," Y/n said, teasing Hawks.

"Eh, I'm born this way tho." He responded as they reached the 1st floor. Hawks grabbed Y/n tighter, and they walked out of the elevator. Y/n stopped and saw the people again. "Hey, keep moving-" Hawks got cut off when Y/n quickly pulled him at the coffee counter. "Are they here?" Hawks asked as Y/n pointed at them.

Hawks saw them too and ran back to the elevator and left Y/n alone. 'That bird. Tsk!' She thought when she felt shivers from her toe to head. 'Geez. It's so cold here.' She thought again and hugged herself. She went to the elevator and saw Shoto. "How did you get here?!" She said. "Uhm, I stayed in an extra room. Did you forget?" He asked, "Yeah, maybe I did." She entered the elevator.

"Are you going to the 1st floor?" Y/n asked as Shoto nodded sideways. She pressed the 4th floor and headed to Hawks' office. "You didn't tell me that Todoroki slept here for the night." Y/n said, "Oh yeah, Endeavor didn't have a room for him, so I let him stay over." Hawks said as Y/n sat at the couch. "Should we go training now?" She asked, "Eh, maybe after your internship." Hawks said.

"You woke me up for nothing?! How cruel!" She said, "Hey, you should focus on you're internship first, you know! And don't shout at your senpai!" Hawks said, "What's the difference? You're just 6 years older than me, maybe 7." Y/n said, "Yeah right."

[After The Internship week: Tuesday] {Y/n Point Of View}

It's the last day of my and my classmate's internship, I packed my things, and to be honest. I and Hawks got really close, he teamed up with Endeavor for Hero Work so we spent the whole week at Endeavor's Agency. We always tease Endeavor with Todoroki, it was really fun, and Endeavor apologized for what he said to me at the sports festival, I forgave him of course.

"Hey, Y/n! See you tomorrow then! 4:30 at your house!" Hawks shouted, "Yeah, see ya!" We did our handshake and saw Endeavor with Todoroki. "Well, I'll go now. Bye bird!" I bid goodbye, "Bye NYXieee!" He said and e bid goodbye to each other.

Todoroki entered the bus and sat next to me, "Many things happened this Intern Week." I said, "Yeah, I was having fun teasing my Old Man with you and Hawks." He said with an emotionless face. "Come on. Say it with a smile on your face! I never seen you smile." He was about to smile but I spoke, "If you're going to smile I want it to be a real smile." I said and he pouted.

'Oh my Gosh!! He's so cute!! I want him!! He's like a cat!!'

Mr. Cold | End of Chapter 18

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