Mr. Cold | Introduction of Y/n

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Character's Name: Y/n Tamashiro

Birthday and Age: Oct 11, 2005. 16 y/o

Quirk: Combine(if she touched someone, she can copy their Quirk and can combine multiple Quirks)

1st Bestfriend: Nejire Hado

Countries she has been: Korea, Paris, Italy, London, and New York

Things she has done: Playing sports, singing, dancing, cooking, playing instruments, and road trip

Things she likes to do: Singing, and Playing Instruments

Favorite Music:
1. Malibu Nights by LANY
2. Kiss by Thyro and Yumi
3. Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You by George Benson
4. Love Don't Change by Jeremih
5. 18 by One Direction
6. Photograph by Ed Sheeran

Does she like to read? Yes. What does she read? Romance, Mystery, and Science Fiction.

Things she is afraid of: Being alone, flies, dogs, and spiders

Things they want to accomplish: on being a Hero

What sport/s does she play? Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, and Tennis

What is her hidden talent/s: Gymnastics and Ballet

Favorite food: Meat, soba, katsudon, sushi, salmon, strawberry milk, and soda

What motivates her: Music

What is her Most Treasured Possession? Memories with her dead Grandparents

What is her Deepest Secret: Telling everyone her past

End of Y/n's Introduction

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