Mr. Cold | Chapter 10

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"A-ah... It's nice talking with you, Mrs. Todoroki and Fuyumi-chan." Y/n said and bowed to the two of them. She wore her mask and whispered something to Fuyumi and Rei. "Please don't tell him it's me." She whispered and bowed to Shoto also.

She leaves the hospital, "Who's that?" Shoto asked his Mom and Sister. "A perfect friend of ours, she helped Mom with the groceries earlier, and it turns out we got close," Fuyumi said while Shoto looked at the door.

{ Y/n Point Of View }

I arrived home, and no one was home. I headed to my room and locked the door. I change into something comfortable and head downstairs. I saw Eri in the kitchen.

"Hey Eri, what are you doing?" I asked her, and she looked at me, "I wanted some apples, so I walked here to get some, but DadZawa put it on a high shelf." As I reached for the apple, she said I gave it to her, and she looked like she had got a new toy.

We walked into the living room, and I saw Shinso and Dad. 'Hey Y/n, starting tomorrow, you'll start your extra lessons." Dad said as I nodded.

"Will you let your class know that you're back after your long vacation?" Shinso asked as I nodded sideways. "Well... What do you want for dinner? I'll order some food." We ordered some beef, and we waited for 30 minutes.

'Does Todoroki talked about me? I believe Auntie Rei, but is it true that he enjoys my comfort?' I was so deep in my thoughts when someone poked my shoulder, and Eri was sitting next to me.

"You're so deep in your thoughts, Y/n." Shinso said as I laughed nervously, "Sorry. Kinda thinking on what just happened." I said and scratched the back of my neck, "Well, you'll start your extra classes tomorrow. You'll be so busy, and maybe you should tell your classmates already."

Dad said as I nodded my head sideways, "How many days will it take for me to finish?" I asked. "Maybe a week or two... But if you study fast, you'll finish in just five days. It's straightforward."

[ Time Skip: The Next Day 8:30 am] { End of Y/n Point Of View }

Y/n, Shinso, and Mr. Aizawa arrived at UA after they dropped Eri at her School. They left the car and headed inside. Y/n decided to wear a face mask cause she still didn't want her classmates to know she was there. The reason she doesn't want her classmates to know is she'll go and surprise them.

"So Y/n, you'll work at my office." Mr. Aizawa said, and Y/n nodded. She headed straight to Mr. Aizawa's office, sat down, and saw a lot of papers waiting for her.

"Morning Y/n Aizawa." She heard a voice behind her, she looked behind her and saw Midnight. "Good Morning Miss Midnight." She said and bowed, "Good Morning, I'm glad your back." Midnight said. "Hehe, Thanks," She said with a smile.

"Anyways, your first extra lesson is my class which is History, so go sit and I'll discuss everything, once we're done. You can ask for more topics so we can finish your extra history class." She said as Y/n nod, Y/n sat at a seat in the corner and the extra lesson started.

[ After 3 Days: Wednesday ] {Y/n Point Of View }

It's been three days, and the extra lessons are more straightforward than I expected them to be. Tomorrow is the end of my additional classes since I studied from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. I always finish early, so I asked for more topics. On Friday, it's my rest day, and by Monday, I'm back to normal.

It's 8:30 pm already, and I'm still studying. Dad, Shinso, and Eri are already asleep. I'm just sitting on my bed while reading my English Textbook. 'I can't wait to see my classmates on Monday.'

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