Mr. Cold | Chapter 23

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On a typical night in the UA Basement, Y/n sits on the floor, still tied up. She is starring at the window while the moon is lighting up the whole basement. Tears are still rolling down her cheeks non-stop. 'I wonder how many days I've been locked down.' She thought, and she felt so lonely. 'Todoroki, how are you? I hope you're hanging out with the others since I'm not there. I might leave you guys in a few days now because I feel so defeated. My heart doesn't want to give up, but my mind wants me to give up. It's so complicated.' She thought and sobbed.

"Geez, baby bird, I'm sleeping here." Hawks said, "I can't handle it, Keigo. I'm so done with my life." She said, "If you commit suicide, then I'll copy you. You know how much I love to copy beautiful, meaningful, kind, trustworthy, and incredible people." He said as Y/n just giggled, "Good night, I'm sleeping." She said as Hawks said the same thing.

[The Next Day: 6:30 AM]

"Good Morning, Y/n!!" Hawks said, but no one responded, 'Maybe she's still asleep.' Hawks thought, and he took a shower and changed into his hero costume. He styled his hair and went outside of the street to go on a patrol. "Hey, Babybird, Did you eat already?" Hawks asked, but Y/n didn't answer. 'Is she still asleep at this hour?' Hawks asked himself.

Hawks started his patrol meanwhile at the UA Basement. Y/n is sitting on the floor. Then someone entered the basement. It was Mawata, "Awe~ Poor you." She said as Y/n stared at her while she was bleeding. "Where is the feather?!" She shouted at Mawata.

"I told someone to bring it in a faraway place, where Hawks wouldn't know it," Mawata said as Y/n death glared at her. "And, I want to have a small talk with you. You know I faked it, right?" She asked Y/n and sat on the floor, "Yes, obviously." Y/n said, and she looked down. "Well. Do you know what's the reason?" She asked Y/n again as she nodded sideways.

"Well, because I'm the real Traitor. All For One? He's my uncle." She said as Y/n looked at her, "W-What?! So you were my cousin who left us because you are working along with the League?!" Y/n said, "Wow, didn't know you would figure it out so fast." Mawata said when someone barged inside, it was the teachers. "Caught you now. Traitor!" Midnight, Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic shouted.

"Awe~ you caught me, too bad. I was enjoying talking to her." Mawata said as Y/n sit there feeling weak. Mawata looked at Y/n and smirked. Mr. Aizawa erased her Quirk. She grabbed a smoke grenade from her pocket and threw it in front of the teachers. The teachers tried to catch her, but it was too late, a gat appeared next to her before she could leave. She looked at Y/n and stabbed her in the stomach with a metal stick. Y/n screamed in pain, and she left.

The smoke disappeared, and Midnight carried Y/n as they called a few nurses and a doctor and rushed her to the nurse's office. "Mr. Aizawa? What's wrong?" Yaoyorozu and Jiro asked, "I'll explain more later. Right now, there's an emergency. Tell your classmates that I'll be out in a few hours." Mr. Aizawa said and rushed to the Nurse's Office. Yaoyorozu and Jiro looked at each other.

"We should tell the others now. We should worry later and not now." Jiro said as they headed to the classroom, "Where have you two been? Did you check on Y/n?" The rest of the girls asked as Jiro and Yaoyorozu nodded sideways. "We didn't take to her in two weeks already, and I miss her," Uraraka said as everyone looked down. Meanwhile, there's Shoto. Laying down on his desk, crying, the class didn't know it because he hid it.

[After 1 hour and 30 minutes]

Doctors and nurses have been doing Y/n's operation while teachers are out of the nurse office feeling bad, "How do we face her now?" Snipe said, "Tsk! I'm such a terrible teacher!" Midnight, All Might, Present Mic, and Mr. Aizawa told as they looked down and cried. "We'll apologize to her and make it up to her." Principal Nezu said as the Doctor got out of the Nurse's Office. "Doctor, how's my daughter?" Mr. Aizawa asked, "We did everything we could, and she's all good now. The metal isn't that long to damage her organs, but she needs some rest." The Doctor said.

"Thank you so much." The teachers said as they got inside with the Doctor. They saw Y/n sitting at the bed. "Y/n, we're so sorry. We thought that you were the Traitor." All the teachers apologized. "Sensei. Please don't take it too seriously. Nothing bad happened to me, and this? It's just a scratch. Not even big." She said and placed a smile on her face. The teachers hugged her as she hugged them back. "Doctor, how long till she will be able to go to class again?" Mr.Aizawa asked, "In a month, she couldn't study first if  that's ok, Y/n?." The Doctor said as Y/n nodded.

"But we should transfer her to the hospital so that we can recover her fast." The Doctor said as they agreed. They put Y/n in the wheelchair as she was still feeling pain. They headed to the ambulance and drove to the hospital. Y/n is now in her hospital room, and the nurse peeled some tangerine for her. She thanked the nurse and left.

'I wonder how the others are since I'm now released?' Y/n thought when someone entered the room, it was Hawks. "Y/n!!" Hawks shouted and cried, Y/n was confused, and Hawks hugged her. "Are you ok?!" He said and started to check me, "I'm fine, and what have you been doing? Your eyes are so puffy." Y/n asked as Hawks laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Didn't I tell you to stop crying? I told you that I will live." Y/n said as Hawks apologized.

"Anyways, I heard that you'll recover in a month." Hawks said as Y/n nodded, "They could just ask Recovery Girl to heal you faster." He said and crossed his arms. Y/n laughed at him. "Come on, I don't wanna trouble Recovery Girl, and it's just a month." She said as Hawks rolled his eyes as Y/n ruffled his hair. "Anyways, about All For One. I found the real Traitor." She said as Hawks looked at her, "It's Mawata, isn't it?" Hawks asked as Y/n nodded.

[After three weeks at the hospital] {Y/n Point Of View}

It's been three weeks, and I'm always in the hospital room alone. Today I am sitting on my hospital bed while my big blanket is on my legs, covering it and the pillow behind my back for support while I'm having tea looking at the window while the curtains were swaying because of the cold wind.

I was enjoying my tea when someone knocked on the door, "Come in." I said and sipped my tea. It was Dad and Shinso. "Hi, Y/n, Shinso asked me-" He was cut off when Shinso ran to me. I quickly put my tea on the nightstand, and Shinso hugged me, I cried, and he also cried. "Nii-chan, are you ok?" He said as I nodded. I wiped his tears and kissed his forehead, "I miss you so much!" I said, "Where's Eri?" I asked, and Dad scratched the back of his head, "She still doesn't know your condition right now, even your classmates." He said as Shinso was still hugging me. "Well, they'll see me again in a few days. The Doctor said that my recovery is fast as he expected tho." I said, and Shinso broke the hug.

"Did you know that your classmates weren't even giving us a smile, and they're the most hated class now?" Shinso said, "I feel sorry for them, but there's still a way for me and my class not to be hated anymore." I said as both of them looked at me. "Are you planning on something?" Dad asked me as I pulled something from the nightstand. "A recorder?" Both of them asked, "Me and Mawata's conversation is recorded here. She told me their location and what they are planning to us heroes. We can show the principal first and let him decide." I said as Shinso asked, "Where did you even get that tape?" I chuckled, "I saw it at the basement." I said.

'Payback time Mawata, now you'll reveal your secret.'

Mr. Cold | End of Chapter 23

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