Mr. Cold | Chapter 1

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It's the first day of school and Y/n just sits quietly in her seat while Todoroki ignored her greeting.
Then the bell rang, everyone stopped talking and someone entered the classroom. No other than Eraser Head or Shota Aizawa, the HomeRoom Teacher of Class 1-A Hero Course.

"Good Morning, today we'll just have a regular day. First-class is Training." He said with a sleepy voice. 'Uhm... Is that normal?' Y/n thought and the wall on the left side of the Classroom opened.

Everyone grabbed the bags with their seat numbers on them, "Hey... You're Y/n, right?" A girl with a high ponytail said.

"Yes" Y/n also said it while Yaoyorozu gave Y/n her bag, Y/n thanked her and they walk to the Changing Room.

"So Y/n. What's your Quirk?" The other girls asked Y/n. "Combine." She said. "That's cool. Anyways you know Todoroki?" Jiro said while she change her hero costume.

"Thanks... But I don't know who Todoroki is." Y/n said while she tied her hair.

"He is the boy next to you, he is a cold person and he never talks to anyone," Uraraka said as Y/n just stopped. 'So that's why he ignored me..' Y/n thought

[ After 30 Minutes ]

Everyone is busy training, Y/n is having a hard time using her Quirk. Then someone walk to her, it was Mr. Aizawa.
"How's your Quirk?" He asked her, Y/n told him that she's having a hard time, Mr. Aizawa called Shoto.

"Yeah?" Shoto said with his arms crossed, 'Geez, I remember that he is the cold boy. He seems friendly at first.' Y/n thought as she just stand there.

"Let Y/n touch you." Mr. Aizawa said, "Why?" He said not wanting to touch Y/n. "It's ok Mr. Aizawa, I'm just gonna practice-" Y/n got cut off by Mina.

"I'll touch you Y/n! I heard about your Quirk. You have my permission" She said running towards Y/n, Mr. Aizawa, and Shoto. "Ok if you say so." Y/n touched Mina and acid start to drip on Y/n's fingers. "So cool!" Mina said and Y/n shoot some acid on the rock, it melted.

"It's so cool!" Y/n said, "Well.. I'll leave Ashido to teach you." Mr. Aizawa said, Mina and Y/n nodded. "Sorry for the trouble Todoroki" Y/n apologized to Shoto but she got ignored again.

'He really is different huh..' Y/n thought and Mina start to teach her about her Quirk.

[ Later that Day: Lunchtime ] { Y/n's Point Of View }

Math Class just finished and I put my notebook and textbook in my bag. Then Jiro and Yaoyorozu walk to my desk. "Hey Y/n, wanna eat lunch together with the girls?" Jiro asked me as I saw Todoroki stood up and leave the classroom, his face is half sad and half cold.

'Should I go talk to him?' I thought when a hand is waving in front of me, it was Yaoyorozu's hand. "Sorry I got distracted. But, you girls wouldn't mind if I try to talk with Todoroki, right?" I said and they agreed.

"He usually eats on his own, and I'm not sure if he'll like to eat with someone," Yaoyorozu said. "Why do you want to talk to him?" Jiro asked. "I just want him to not be alone. I hate seeing people alone." I said and we walk to the cafeteria with the other girls.

We ordered our food and mine is just Katsudon. I sit down at an empty table with the girls and ate my food. I finished it but I saw Todoroki sitting alone. "Hey girls, I'm gonna go somewhere," I said. "Really? Where?" Hagakure, Asui, and Ochaco asked.

"I'm gonna try talking with Todoroki, and I finished my food already." I said being honest, "Ok... Hope you succeed" Jiro and Yaoyorozu winked.

I went to buy some strawberry milk cause it's my fav drink. I walk to the table where Todoroki is sitting, I sit in front of him and he looked at me. "Why are you here?!" He asked me with a cold tone, I just continue drinking my strawberry milk.

"Hey, leave me alone." He said while eating his soba, "You hate talking with People huh. I can't believe that you're a cold person but you're talking to me like I'm a friend" I said as he rolled his eyes and gave me his death and cold stare.

"I'm not talking to you as a friend, idiot." He said as I chuckled, "I handled way too many people like you before, some of them suffer from a rough past and couldn't move on.. Am I right?" I said and sip my drink.

He stopped and stood up, he finished his soba and was about to leave but I walk to him, "Come on Todoroki, I'm the kind of person that will keep your secret. I just want to be friends with you" I said but he just put his hands on his pockets while leaving me.

"Why do you keep on talking to me? I'm not someone special to you, you know" He said as I walk next to him.

"Everyone is special to me Todoroki, even a stranger is special to me. Well, except for the bad ones of course" I said and we continue to walk.

[ After School: 5:00 in the Afternoon ] { End of Y/n Point Of View }

School just ended and Y/n packed her things. "How is it talking to him?" The girls asked Y/n who just cleaned her desk.

"He is not boring, he is fun to talk with even if he's cold. But he didn't do anything but to walk with his hands in his pocket and ignoring my funny jokes. Or maybe it's not funny to him" Y/n said and the girls are surprised.

"You managed to talk to him?!?" Mina and Hagakure shouted and Y/n just nod. "That's really cool of you Y/n." They just chit-chat for a while and it's 5:15 already.

The girls left and Y/n head to the UA Rooftop, she saw Shoto sitting at the bench. She sit next to him, "It's a good thing I found you up here" Y/n said while staring at the sun, Shoto looked at her. "If you have something to tell me just say it. I don't want to waste my time" He said coldly

"There you go again, being cold. You are just fine earlier" Y/n said, "Anyways... Why are you cold? I just want to know so that I can comfort you" Y/n said it and Shoto looked at her

"Family problem."

Mr. Cold | End of Chapter 1

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